Dangerous Games

Dangerous Games by Selene Chardou Read Free Book Online

Book: Dangerous Games by Selene Chardou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selene Chardou
getting it done. I was so happy to be with him I would have had it tattooed on my face if he’d wanted me to at the time.
    “Speaking of being with other guys…I don’t want to hear about it, okay? And does that mean you’re on anything?” Finn inquired with cold look flashing through his gorgeous eyes.
    “No, I’m not on anything because the guys I have been with…we always used rubbers and lately, I’ve been kind of dabbling on the other side of the fence.”
    “What the hell does that mean?”
    “It means I have been fucking my roomie, Amaani. I managed to get her to transfer to Boston University with me so I wouldn’t be alone. We’re gonna live off campus though. Since I am sleeping with a woman, I don’t need to be on  anything .”
    “She a hardcore crack snacker or is she just doin’ this because she finds you attractive?”
    “Um, she’s a Muslim female who believes she should save her virginity until she gets married. And neither of us are doing this because we are bored. We genuinely love each other though it is different from what you and I have if that’s what you’re asking. And yes, we find each other mutually attractive so that definitely makes our situation that much easier.”
    “Why do I feel like I am holding you up from doing something?” he inquired as he sat up, and handed me my phone again.
    “You aren’t. I just need to call my Mom. Will you please stay? I don’t want to talk to her in this room all by myself.”
    Finn gave me a look. “Need a little courage?”
    I stared at him sheepishly. “Yeah. You got some hash?”
    “I can do you one better.” He opened a bedside drawer and removed a baggie full of blue pills. Finn searched through them until he found what he was looking for and put the baggie away. He then used the bottom of the shot glass to crush it on a square mirror and a credit card to make thin blue lines. Expertly, he rolled up a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to me.
    “Wait a fucking minute. Is that Oxy?” I wondered, stating the obvious.
    “Yeah but it’s a twenty milligram tablet. One line isn’t going to send you into a  Pulp Fiction  scenario. Plus, it isn’t cut with coke. You should be fine. It’s just going to relax you.”
    I snorted a line and the powder burned my nose but the taste was no worse than coke. I dealt with the drip down the back of my throat by downing another shot of JD, and waited for the pill to take effect.
    By the time I called my mother, I was feeling no pain and there wasn’t much she could say to me to really upset me. Oxy was a depressant, and with three shots of Jack, I really didn’t give a shit what she said to me.
    She answered on the third ring. “Evie? How are you? I’m about to start filming again. What’s going on and what the hell are you doing in Boston?”
    “I can’t deal with the fakeness of L.A. right now, and I just needed to get away. What difference does it make? You aren’t there. Plus, I was thinkin’ of comin’ to visit you in Montreal. Wouldn’t that be fun? I can’t wait to meet this Etienne guy,” I said while tried my best not to slur.
    “Yeah but I know for a fact that Finbar Reilly is there because he and Dylan are living together. You’re not staying with your grandparents because I’ve called them so you must be staying with him.”
    “I am. He’s got this dope house in Charlestown—the bougie part—and it’s completely safe here. I swear it’s not shady at all. Nothin’ is gonna happen to me.”
    “Evie, are you drunk?”
    “I had a couple shots of JD but nothin’ I can’t handle, Mom.”
    “Jack Daniels?” my mother whispered. “Just look after yourself and go down to the clinic. If you’re going to be in the house with them then you need to…make sure you’re protected. I’m not ready to be a grandmother yet.”
    I almost said something to the contrary but I would live to regret such a remark so I reluctantly bit my tongue. “I will. Don’t worry

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