Dangerous Talents

Dangerous Talents by Frankie Robertson Read Free Book Online

Book: Dangerous Talents by Frankie Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frankie Robertson
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, fullybook
wanted to take the measure of Lady Celia.
    Dahleven watched Lady Celia’s face as she bit into the ration Sorn gave her. The corners of her mouth drew downward and her lips puckered, but she only paused for a moment before she continued chewing. Then she actually smiled at Sorn and took another bite. Well, she had been in the drylands for two days. By the Hidden, I hope I’m never so hungry as to be grateful for journey bread .
    “Lady Celia, I have some dried fruit here.” Halsten pulled his pack into his lap and began to rummage. “That bread Sorn’s foisting on you is foul stuff. You’ll like this much better. It’s chewy, but still sweet.” Halsten handed her a packet wrapped in waxed cloth.
    Lady Celia turned the power of her smile full upon him as she accepted his gift. “Maybe just one piece. I don’t want to take all you have left,” she said, unfolding the cloth.
    “No, no. You keep it. It’s good energy on the trail.”
    “Thank you,” she said, lightly touching the back of his hand. “That’s very generous.”
    “Would you like my nuts?” Lindimer asked, reaching behind for his pack.
    Falsom snickered and Sorn cuffed him.
    Ghav and Fender started reaching for their packs as well. What’s the matter with all of them ? They’d only been away from home and women for two weeks. Maybe that was Lady Celia’s Talent: turning men into fools. In its place, that could be a pleasant game to play, but he had a mission to complete and men to lead safely home. It was time to put a stop to this.
    Dahleven stood up. All eyes turned to him, including Lady Celia’s big green ones, framed with long lashes. She’d washed her face and neck, combed her hair, and braided it neatly. Curling wisps escaped the butter-yellow braids that reached just to her shoulders. She looked more like the lady he’d first thought her.
    “We’ll move soon. Be ready.”
    The men immediately began to disperse, gathering their equipment. Good. She hasn’t robbed them of all sense .
    “I’m ready now. I can finish this on the trail if you want to get going.” Lady Celia gestured with the fruit in her hand and stood. “I won’t hold you up.”
    A night’s rest has improved her temper, at least . Dahleven inclined his head.
    “Where are we going, anyway?” she asked.
    “Quartzholm,” Sorn answered.
    The information only made her frown. “Will someone there be able to help me go home?”
    Maybe Father Wirmund would have some good news for her, though Dahleven didn’t have much hope of it. “Perhaps.” He changed the subject. “Have you filled your water containers?”
    “First thing.” She paused, and blushed. “Well, second, anyway.”
    “Good.” He started to turn but was stopped by the touch of her fingers resting lightly on his arm.
    “I, uh, want to thank you.” Lady Celia spoke in a low voice only he and Sorn could hear. She blushed again and stammered on. “Actual privacy would have been better, of course, but lacking that, well, I appreciate your, uh…Oh hell! Thanks for telling your men to give me some space this morning.”
    Give her space ? She used words strangely at times, but her meaning in this case was clear. “No thanks are necessary.” He turned again to go. Does she believe we would do otherwise ? Probably. Last night she thought I’d proposed to rape her .
    “Just the same, I don’t see why I couldn’t have gone around a hill or something.”
    Does she argue about everything ? Reluctantly, Dahleven turned back to her. She looked like a lady, but no lady he knew would discuss this. Then again, no lady he knew would have survived two days in the drylands so well. “I’m sure Sorn explained to you.”
    “Yes, but—”
    He refused to talk about the subject anymore. “This conversation is pointless. Get ready to move. We cannot slow our pace to accommodate you. You must keep up.”
    Lady Celia’s green eyes widened. Then they narrowed as though she’d reached a decision.

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