Dark Desire

Dark Desire by Shannan Albright Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Dark Desire by Shannan Albright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannan Albright
cigarettes. Hoots and
whistles vibrated in the air until the door closed dropping the noise to
tolerable decibels. Sounded like another full house.
      “You look perfect as always, child. Now get
that well-toned ass out there and get to work on those guys.” Cici’s husky voice held a note of amusement as she
sauntered up to her with a huge grin and a sparkle in her dark brown eyes.
    Lori made a face
in the mirror. “Yeah, the only thing those guys out there are interested in is
my T&A.”
    “Don’t knock it,
girl. It’s what keeps a roof over your head.”
    With a
frustrated sigh Lori turned to face the only friend she had in the world, or
the only friend she knew she had. Her life was a big fat blank slate. Her first
memory was waking up in the alley behind the stripper club she currently worked
at. Cici had found her huddled against the dumpster,
shivering in shock, covered in blood—which turned out not to be her own—and no
memory of who she was or how the blood got all over her.
    Not that she
wanted to remember. Her nightmares were plagued with a sense of rage, blood,
and a pain, which never went away, even when awake. As if she grieved a loss of
someone she loved, but try as she might she came up with nothing but violent
headaches for her trouble. After a while, she’d stopped trying. It was easier
that way. Whatever happened could stay forgotten, and she resigned herself to a
half-life, finding a small portion of peace with the decision not to try to
    Cici pursed her
lips. “Don’t know why you want to dance in a dump like this. You are meant for
a better life, even if you don’t remember who you are. Breeding tells, and you
got enough breeding to make the queen of England look like regular folk.”
    “I’m nothing
special. If I was I think I would know, don’t you? Besides I haven’t seen any
missing person alerts, so no one is looking for me.”
    Cici gave a very
unladylike snort. “That don’t mean someone isn’t looking for you. There could
be hundreds of reasons why you haven’t heard anything. As for you thinking you
would know anything about yourself? Hon, we had to make up a name for you. All
you could remember was it started with an L. You wouldn’t know if you were heir
to a fortune even if it bit you in the ass.”
    “But wouldn’t I
feel it?” Lori argued placing a hand to her heart. “Right here, would tell me
something if I were someone of any consequence.”
    Cici’s brown gaze lit
with triumph. “And that’s why you’re special. Who the hell uses words like
consequence around here? It’s not just how you talk either. You hold yourself
proud, like there’s a confidence in you that shines through. Even the men see
it. I’ve never seen the like, and they treat you with more respect I’ve ever
seen any man give to a woman. Every one of those guys out there would go to
jail to protect you.”
    “That’s a bit
exaggerated, Cici . I treat them like I want to be
treated, that’s all.”
    “Think what you
will, stubborn child, I know better.” Cici sniffed
    Unable to help
herself, Lori wrapped her arms around the small black woman who never ceased to
amaze her, hugging her tightly. She loved her fiery spirit. Her lined face and
salt and pepper hair did nothing to dim the vitality that practically vibrated
from the woman. Lori owed her so much. Cici put her
up in the apartments above the stripper club, encouraged her when she lost all
hope of remembering her past, and got her this job stripping. She didn’t know
how she would repay her for all her kindnesses, but she would do whatever it
took to help the woman any way she could.
    Cici broke the hug,
her voice gruff as she nodded. “Don’t get all your makeup smeared. Now, get to
work. They’re waiting for you.”
    With one last
look at her friend Lori turned and headed for the door.
    Temple Fox
lightly brushed his lips against the softness of his lover’s dark hair. Leola

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