Dating A Saint

Dating A Saint by Donna McDonald Read Free Book Online

Book: Dating A Saint by Donna McDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna McDonald
Tags: General Fiction
cheeks while Jim looked on.
    When Lauren glanced at Jim’s expression, she almost shivered at the violence directed toward Jared. She wondered how Jared could have missed seeing it.
    “Hello, Lauren,” Jared said sweetly, smiling possessively at her. “You look smashing, darling. That dress always was one of my favorites on you. And you’ve grown out your hair a little. It makes you look young and gorgeous.”
    At his smarmy praise, Lauren treated Jared to one of the glares she’d been serving up to Jim. Of all the places Jared could have picked to flaunt his refusal to accept their dead relationship, she thought, why did it have to be here and in front of Jim?
    She studied her sneaky ex-husband, suspecting this was not a casual hello. Jared rarely acknowledged her in public, most especially if his latest conquest was on his arm. It was odd he seemed to be alone tonight, and that he would choose this specific moment to confront her. She could only conclude her mother must have told him she was dating.
    Well she had news for both of them, she might not be passing out numbers yet for a night in her bed, but Dr. Regina Logan did good work.
    Hell would be serving ice cream before she let Jared Smith warm her bed again.
    Maybe she hadn’t made her feelings clear enough to Jared. If not, it was certainly time to set things straight with at least one man in her life.
    “Imagine seeing you here, Jared. How’s your fiancée doing? I’ve been waiting for my invitation to the wedding. When’s the big day? ” Lauren asked sweetly.
    Jared hung his head, a sad smile on his face. His would-be fiancée hadn’t tolerated his other women any better than Lauren had, but losing her had not stung as much as losing Lauren. Lauren was one of a kind, and the most generous, giving woman he had ever bedded. He had found no one her equal so far, and he’d sampled enough to know about quality. If he ever got her back, he would be more appreciative next time and find better ways to handle his weakness.
    “Worried about my happiness, darling?” Jared said softly. “I’m still a free man.”
    “ Still? ” Lauren asked, feigning surprise at his choice of words. “When have you ever been committed? Having a wife certainly never stopped you from acting like a free man when we were together.”
    Jared blinked at her open hostility, but finally shrugged. “I guess I thought you might be more understanding about such things now,” he said, giving Jim a pointed look.
    Enough of this bullshit , Jim decided. He had heard all the veiled insults from Jared Smith he could handle. Jim was mildly upset about Chad, but he was mad as hell about Jared flirting with Lauren in front of him.
    When Jim started to stand, Lauren put a restraining hand on his arm, gripping hard to hold him down. He looked at her strong, capable hand with considerable interest, and a bit of surprise at how much force was in her grip. He forgot about Jared for a moment while he simply enjoyed how right it felt for Lauren to be touching him.
    Lauren’s grip eased as she felt Jim let some of the tension slide away, but she didn’t let go.
    “Jared has a wicked sense of humor,” Lauren said to Jim, smiling. “It comes from all those years he worked so hard at being an ass when we were married. Now it appears he’s elevated it to an art form.”
    Lauren looked back at Jared. “Tell my mother I am going to date who I want. Both of you need to get used to the fact that you and I are never getting back together. It has not been good to see you, Jared. You can go away now.”
    “You know I’ll never stop trying, darling. It’s not just Lydia who keeps me interested. I’ve always wanted you back. When you get tired of the other men, give me a call,” Jared blew her an air kiss as he left.
    Jim watched Jared grin as he walked away. The bastard was probably wondering if Jim seriously would have taken a swing if Lauren hadn’t stopped him. Jim looked back at Lauren with the

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