Deadly Vision

Deadly Vision by Kris Norris Read Free Book Online

Book: Deadly Vision by Kris Norris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kris Norris
hushed, calling to her in the dead of night. A woman…
    “No!” Fallon forced herself up, ignoring the way the room dipped and swayed as she searched for her phone. She found it buried beneath the blanket, the lid still hinged open. She pressed the buttons, searching the call history, needing to see what number belonged to the bastard from her dream.
      “What?” It didn’t make any sense. The only number that had called her cell was an old number from the office. She frowned, remembering Jane’s call. The room circled again and Fallon closed her eyes, grabbing the table to stop the rotation. She touched a button on her cell without opening her eyes.
    “Radio communications, Colleen.”
    “Colleen, it’s Fallon.”
    “Hey, Fallon. How are you? I was surprised they hadn’t called you in yet?”
    “I need a day off. Hey, do me a favour? Look at last night’s history and see if there were any calls to…” Damn, what was the number? “…the 100 block of Mortimer Street.”
    “Sure thing, Fallon. Hey, is everything okay? You sound…different.”
    “I’m fine.” She paused as she listened to Colleen typing on the keyboard. “Well?”
    “Sorry, Fallon. I don’t see anything on Mortimer Street. Not for the past few days.”
    “Damn.” She bit her bottom lip, wondering what to do. If she let it go, and the call had been real, then the police would never catch the guy. But if she’d only dreamt it? “Hey Colleen. Do you think you could send a unit over there, say to maybe 195, and have them take a look around? You could say you got an anonymous call about a suspicious male hanging around there last night.”
    “If you think there’s a need.” Colleen paused and Fallon knew the woman was more than puzzled.
    “Look. I took a drive that way last night and I’m not sure if I saw something or not. And I’d rather not have the guys tease me about it for the next few weeks if it turns out everything’s okay.”
    “Alright, Fallon. I’ll send Ken and Jeff that way. They’re just hanging at the coffee shop anyway.”
    “Thanks, Colleen. I owe you one.”
    Fallon hung up the phone, still staring at the number flashing on the screen. No evidence the guy had ever called her, but there was something about the dream she’d had of the woman. She’d only ever had two other visions like that and they’d both…
    “Stop it!” she hissed, picking herself off the floor. “I’m not crazy and I’m not having visions again. It was probably just a dream. I’m just working too much.” She nodded as she headed for the closet. A long ride down a hard trail was just the ticket to clear her head. And erase the images, especially the ones of Gil. Damn, she could feel the slick slide of juices along her velvety lips as she remembered the dream, and the last thing she needed was to get herself so damn horny even a session with her vibrator wouldn’t stem the need. She sighed. Jane was right. She needed a man, even if it was just for sex. Maybe she’d go to Jane’s barbeque after all.
    24 Hours Later
    “God, damn. He struck again!” Gil slammed down the phone, and grabbed his coat off the back of the chair.
    Wade looked over at him, his lips pulled tight. “Where?”
    “Some obscure church over on Mortimer Street. Looks like the girl’s been dead for close to two days already. Seems they lock the damn thing up on Tuesday night and don’t check back in ‘til this morning.” He wrinkled his nose as he pushed his arms through his sleeves. “I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to be in there.”
    “Want me to check it out alone?” asked Wade, zipping his jacket as he followed Gil out the door.
    Gil shot Wade a knowing glare over his shoulder as he ducked out into the rain and headed for his truck. “Thanks, Junior. But we both need to be there. Let’s just hope the bastard left something behind this time.”
    Wade nodded, climbing into the passenger seat. “He can’t evade us much longer.

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