Deadly Wands

Deadly Wands by Brent Reilly Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Deadly Wands by Brent Reilly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brent Reilly
Tags: adventure, Magic, Action, World War, Young Adult, War, Harry Potter, Genghis Khan, Mongols, Battles, duels, wands
defeated thirty-two nations
before retiring in his prime. In contrast, Julius Caesar fought
fifty major battles and Alexander the “Great” just five.
    When Genghis first heard of wands, he paid a
fortune to find the oldest tree. From it the legendary wand maker
Torolchi crafted ten sets of the world’s most powerful wands.
Genghis promised the wands to the first warriors who scored a
thousand kills. So many quads were eager to prove themselves that
they completed the unification of the nomad tribes, then looked
south to quench their thirst. Soon they sucked China dry.
    "How many Millennial Wands are still
    "What am I? A history professor?" The
visitor's patience was running low.
    "Come on, or we'll take our chances at high
altitude! Genghis uses a set, with one as backup, and gave another
to the head of his personal security. Jamuka lost his when Genghis
killed him over Lake Balkhash, and General Boorchu's burned in the
ashes of Moscow. How many others still work?"
    He shrugged. "You already know that Genghis
gave sets to his brothers, Khasar and Kachiun, although I don't
know which of their descendents have them now. Batu Mongke has the
tenth set, as far as I know."
    William felt Billy looking at him. In the
briefest glance they read each other’s minds. William nodded to
give his son permission.
    "Let the child go and we promise not to run."
William then shushed his wife before she could argue with him.
    "You know what I like most about a fair
fight?" the general asked rhetorically. "The better fighter always
    Subodei “spread his wings,” shooting flames
fourteen meters in both directions for a total “wingspan” of
twenty-eight meters -- the most in the world. As he geared up to
attack, Billy hopped through the deep snow towards him with his
palms empty.
    "Stop! You have to first promise to carry me
home or I’ll freeze to death tonight."
    The general hesitated in disbelief at the
ballsy kid. Although he had a good point since the old man didn’t
know the boy could fly. Still, he didn't want to bother with that.
The father sensed it, and called him out.
    "We’ll agree to stay only if you swear before
Father Sky and Mother Earth to carry our son safely home."
    The old general grunted his displeasure. His
first temptation was to kill the father, and hope he could find the
mother before dark. They both looked prepared to flee, although the
child stupidly walked eight meters in front of him, memorizing his
    "Where can I find you in ten years?" Billy
demanded to distract him.
    "Revenge is suicide, boy. No one can beat
    "That’s my decision, not yours. As a
descendent of Genghis Khan, I demand honor for the killing of my
    Spoken like a true Mongol. The ancient
warrior stared hard at the little boy. With snow up to his chest,
Billy looked about to drown.
    "In a cave on top of Mt. Burklan Khaldun. Now
get out of my way."
    William and Liz suddenly popped up and spread
out to flank him. Subodei naturally tracked them, the child
forgotten. Instead of reaching into his coat like other quads,
Billy had wand launchers attached to his underarms, and already
held his new wands under the snow. He now thrust twin blades
through two meters of snow into the general’s chest, who looked
really surprised that a six year old had eight meter long blades.
In all fairness, no six year old had ever projected that much
length. Ever.
    Billy slashed the old man’s arms before the
shock wore off. The general fell back, screaming in frustration.
Before he could recover, the boy scrambled forward and snatched his
hand wands. For a man who thought he had seen everything, Subodei
looked astonished. He tried to say something, but only coughed up
    This was the greatest moment in Billy’s life.
“Revenge is suicide, boy! No one can beat me!” Billy said in a
surprisingly accurate imitation. “Except some damn six year old.
I’m gonna let the world know that the most powerful quad in history

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