Dear Stranger

Dear Stranger by Suzanna Medeiros Read Free Book Online

Book: Dear Stranger by Suzanna Medeiros Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanna Medeiros
to tangle with hers. His restraint was gone, and her body sang with anticipation of what was to come. He threaded his hands through her hair, scattering the pins she’d used to hold up the thick mass, and it tumbled down around her shoulders. He shifted his mouth to her neck to trail a hot path down the column of her throat and she held her breath, aching for him to bare her breasts as he had that first night.
    When he straightened instead, she moaned with frustration. His gaze, hot and full of promise, captured hers.
    “You’re wearing far too much.”
    She’d forgotten that she still wore her cloak. She took a step back, raised her hands—which were shaking slightly—to untie the ribbons at the top, and let the cloak fall to the floor, discarded along with the last of her inhibitions. She moved back into his arms, anxious for him to continue. He kissed her with unexpected tenderness as he made quick work of undoing the row of buttons at the back of her dress. The heat of his hands on her newly exposed flesh felt deliciously sinful.
    When he’d undone the last button, he lifted his head to look down at her. He eased the dress from her shoulders and she lowered her arms so it, too, would fall to the floor. His fingers flexed against her upper arms as he stared down at her. She should have felt embarrassed, standing in his drawing room in only her stays and chemise as his hungry eyes roamed over her, but desire made shyness impossible. He released her with a jerky movement and quickly removed the rest of her clothing. Only when she stood before him completely nude while he remained fully clothed did she feel the first stirrings of embarrassment.
    She fought the urge to cover herself, but she couldn’t stop the blush that crept over her skin.
    “You are so beautiful,” he said roughly, before pulling her against him.
    The feel of his clothed body pressing into her naked one excited her, and moisture began to pool between her legs. The jut of his erection digging into her belly, and the sensation of her breasts sliding along the cool silk of his waistcoat overwhelmed her senses. Needing to feel him, she loosened his cravat and pulled it free. She undid the buttons of his waistcoat before sliding it, along with his coat, from his shoulders with a firm push.
    Impatient, Richard drew his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the floor to join the rest of their clothing. She wanted to examine him the way he had her, but he pulled her towards him again. She made a small sound in the back of her throat at the contact. The feel of his hard chest against her soft breasts, the heat of his skin threatening to set hers afire, was like nothing she could ever have imagined.
    His body was so different from hers and she couldn’t stop touching him. She ran her hands across his broad back and up the muscles of his strong arms. When he lowered his head and rubbed his cheek against one breast she clutched his shoulders and whimpered with need. Richard didn’t disappoint her. He ran his tongue over the already pebbled nipple and blew on it softly, before drawing it into his mouth and suckling hard. A jolt of sensation went through her and almost took her breath away. He cupped her neglected breast, pinching her nipple with one hand while he traced a path down her body with his other hand. She gasped when he parted the curls between her thighs and began to stroke her there. Her whole being ached with the need to reach the fulfilment he had introduced her to earlier that evening. Desperate to touch him in turn, she released his shoulders and swept her hands down his hard chest and abdomen and lower. She pressed a hand against his shaft, half amazed at her own bravado, and explored the hardness trapped under his breeches with gentle fingers. He stilled for a moment, then sucked in a harsh breath and rocked into her caress. A thrill of feminine power surged through her.
    She moved to slide her hand into his breeches, wanting to give him

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