Death Indoors: Target Practice Mysteries 4

Death Indoors: Target Practice Mysteries 4 by Nikki Haverstock Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Death Indoors: Target Practice Mysteries 4 by Nikki Haverstock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Haverstock
Tags: cozy mystery
more end."
    I nodded and started to head for the line when a slight blond lady grabbed my arm. "Pardon me, I just wanted to say thank you so much."
    "Uh, sure, for what?" She looked vaguely familiar.
    "For talking with CarolAnn."
    I scrunched up my face, trying to think of a CarolAnn.
    "Oh, she said you are calling her Davey Jones. She's having the best time shooting with you, and that's so special for her. She's been really depressed since we moved. We were going to homeschool her so she could continue at Coach Ron's program, but the counselor thought it would be more helpful for her to go to school and make friends. You know how junior high is. Anyways, she hasn't been this happy in a long time, and it's because of you. Thank you so, so much."
    I threw an arm around her neck and hugged her. "You don't know how much I needed to hear that." The two whistles to go to the line were blown. "I've gotta get to the line, but thank you."
    I bounced to the line, feeling lighter than air and recharged. Funny how a few encouraging words could change your mood. I shot my arrows, feeling strong and confident, and was shocked to see all three land in the gold. Sure, they might be clipping the edges of the ring, but that was the best I had done all day.
    I stepped off the line and set my bow down on the stand while stripping off my arm guard and chest protector. Once we were done scoring, I would have just enough time to change into my second, not grotty jersey. But before we could score and collect our arrows, the director of shooting came over the PA.
    "Archers, hold the line. Due to some protests that have been filed, we'll be extending the break. It's ten minutes after the hour. We'll resume shooting at the top of the hour. There'll be no practice ends. We will go directly into scoring. To repeat, shooting will commence at the top of the hour. You may pull your arrows."
    Jess went over to talk to the DOS, and before I could reach the target, the PA crackled to life again.
    "Those of you that are spending the night at the training center can meet with Jess next to the DOS stand to pick up your keys. Remember, shooting will begin in forty-nine minutes at the top of the hour." Jess stood, waving her hand high in the air.
    We scored our arrows, and the range emptied out. Jess handed out packets with keys. I took off my quiver and set it on our chairs.
    Liam leaned against the wall next to our chairs. "So... I can go get everything out of the car and stuff if you want to... uh..."
    I exhaled with gratitude. I hated to be away from him, but a few minutes of solitude were exactly what I needed. "Sit in a dark room alone and decompress? That'd be awesome. Thanks for understanding."

    By the time it was ten 'til, I was feeling better. I'd grabbed my clean jersey and gone to the bathrooms on the far side of the center. I'd splashed some water on my face and given the mirror a firm lecture on doing the Westmound name proud. I asked myself, how would Elizabeth Andersson handle the situation? She was not only the owner of one of the largest companies in our industry, but I'd found her to be a powerful and classy business woman that I, and Mary and Jess, looked up to. She would probably ignore all the drama and move forward with her best effort.
    I threw my shoulders back and resolved to block out everything this round. Racing back to the range, I ran into Jess.
    "Hey, I've been looking for you. Where've you been?"
    "Sorry, I changed into a fresh jersey, splashed some water on my face, and tried to get into a better frame of mind. I'm ready to focus on strong, aggressive shots." I reached over and gave her a hug. She might not be competing, but she was working hard too. "Thanks for your support earlier."
    She stiffened for a second and hugged me back. Her tense shoulders relaxed. "Of course! I'm here for all of you guys." She grabbed my arm and walked me into the range. "Do you need anything from me?"
    I shook my head at her. "I think

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