Destiny: Book of Light

Destiny: Book of Light by Paul Allen Read Free Book Online

Book: Destiny: Book of Light by Paul Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Allen
wonder at what he had never known. A feeling came over him like he never knew before as the thought of asking her could he touch them rolled back and forth in his mind. A feeling that he could picture himself speaking the words, and as if he was just preparing to speak them, but the breath did not come. The feeling seemed to last an age. He thought of reaching his hand out and just touching them without asking. He may get smacked or get in trouble for it, but it didn't matter. It would be worth it. But again though he pictured it, and his brain told his arm to move, his muscles did not react.
    She slouched on the dusty muck right next to him. Never had he wanted anything more in his life. And it was right next to him. But never had anything seemed harder to achieve. He felt an erection begin again as the thoughts of her lips played with his desires. He knew he wouldn't be able to hide it this time so he tried as hard as he could to think of something else. Anything else. But there was no use, her lips held to much power. Then he was sure she was looking at the bulge beginning to appear in his tracksuit pants. He was expecting screaming and roaring to begin and bowed his head in shame, and waiting. He had problems with not being able to control his genital functions in the past. The worst he recalled was in school. Sitting at his desk, and despite being surrounded by boys he couldn't help thinking about girls. One began to rise, and he praised god for the cover of the desk. But when asked to come to the blackboard to fill in the answers to the 12 times multiplications tables, it didn't matter how much he refused, Mr Callaghan would not take no for an answer. He didn't hear the end of it for at least six months. This was different though. This was a girl. Not only that, this was a girl that he liked.
    Then she said it. The first time he ever had his breath whisked away from him. The simple words that changed such complicated dread into true bliss. Simply, "Do you want to kiss me?" He raised his head and his eyes met hers. They held in the most comfortable silence. An age lost with wonder in the eyes of their new found yet familiar companions. They each felt they had known each other for a matter of years rather than days. Sarah had dreamed of this moment since she was a little girl, and although she hadn't imagined the weed she was smoking, and the fact that her intense vulnerability may have subconsciously made the necessity of distraction a factor in the moment, and the feelings bursting inside her, everything else was perfect.
    Unravelling the tough guy exterior behind the boy she was dreaming of. The sun gleaming through the trees, warming the two of them under the shades of the trees. Most importantly it was at a time in her life when she needed it. A time in her life when it felt right for her. Expectant and sure of herself she closed her eyes and leaned forward, until she felt her already bruised heart ache to the sound of “no.”
    History books and rare photos were all that remembered the glory days of this land. Imagination displayed where the sun should have glistened off the choppy waves as the Land of Light Monument was announced from the bow of the tanker. But it was only imagination. No sun could shine through the skies here. Not now, not anymore. It had been a gruelling three months aboard, storms puncturing every moment of peace with great frequency. Sean had looked at his voyage as a chance to relax and recuperate from his injuries, but it had been the complete opposite. He spent his time between being thrown around on the deck of Angel, the tanker, while gripping for dear life to the slippy excuse for railings. Either that or cowering in his bunk with the sickening rolling motion as his only companion. He thought of her alot. Her final moments haunted his dreams and every waking moment. He spent all his spare time between wallowing in self pity and vowing to the heavens, his revenge. The one thing he was sure

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