“How about a walk along Green Lake and get
some sun and then go to lunch?”
“I like that better. I’ll drive. How about
I pick you up at ten out by your security gate since I don’t know the code?”
“Ten it is. See you then.”
was surprised to have heard form Maya so soon. She was noted for being kind of
a loner at times, but maybe it was just shyness. I had a date with the
beautiful Maya; all was right with the world.
Felix wandered across my face at seven
forty five Sunday morning, reminding me that he’d been on patrol all night, and
needed his breakfast. I rolled over and tried to ignore him but was further
harassed by a cold nose poking my ear and a loud purring sound. I rolled my
head over, and got a head butt for good measure. How can you resist a head butt
on Sunday morning? I got up and fed Felix and retrieved the Sunday paper from
my doorstep. The sun was indeed out, and it was shining brightly on my side
deck. I didn’t bother to put a robe on. I had my sleeping shorts and T-shirt
top. With my steaming coffee mug and the Sunday paper, I camped out on my deck,
and let the morning sun keep me warm. At nine, I went inside and debated
between long pants or shorts. I decided to throw caution to the wind and go for
shorts in April, a daunting maneuver by anyone’s standards in Seattle.
I waved to my sleeping guard cat as I walked
out my front door heading for my front gate. As usual, I was totally ignored.
With Mandy coming and going in my life and now Maya becoming more a part of it,
I reviewed the state of my life. I’m not quite sure how I became a bi-sexual. I
had normal parents who loved me, and tried to teach me all the right things
growing up. I had dates in high school, but in my senior year I had my first
experience with another girl, and liked it too. I’m pretty open about who I am
and who I like, but being gay is not totally accepted, so caution is still the
watchword for us. I will have to say that I’ve had more dates with women than
I was only on the street for ten minutes
when a beamer convertible pulled up to the curb. I would have never guessed Maya
for a beamer kind of girl. She waved as she pulled up, and I hopped in, and
luckily was quick with the seat belt as she roared off down the street going
way over the thirty five mile an hour speed limit. I noticed that she’d opted
for shorts too, and her slim dark legs looked very inviting as the morning sun
highlighted them under the dash. Her bright multi-colored blouse was a perfect
match for her dark skin. I was caught staring as she turned to speak.
“Good morning Abby, it‘s a beautiful day.
I’m glad you suggested getting out in the sun.”
told her about my morning, and was met with a mock angry look and a “You rat”
the warp speed we were traveling, it wasn’t long before Maya was parking her
car. She put up her top, and we started off down the several mile long sidewalk
bordering the lake. We weren’t the only ones out that morning. I think half of
Seattle was out strolling in the Sunday sun.
We spent the morning talking about the things
reacquainted friends talk about. Her shyness at work was not apparent with me
now, which buoyed my hopes. We’d walked three slow miles, and finally we
decided to sit for awhile, and watch people. It’s almost as good as a movie
sat close as we took our seats on the bench. We sat silent for a moment.
“I’m glad you called Maya. I enjoyed our
dinner last week.”
casually moved my arm to the back of the bench, but left it on the metal rail
at the top. I was sort of testing the waters; I watched her for any reaction.
“I enjoyed it too Abby. To be honest, I was
hoping we’d eventually link up.”
looked at me in kind of a sidelong glance as I dropped my arm onto her
shoulder. I felt the warmth of her along the