Deception at Sable Hill

Deception at Sable Hill by Shelley Gray Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Deception at Sable Hill by Shelley Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Gray
Tags: Ebook
don’t mean to sound so callous?”
    “I’m only stating the truth.”
    Sean kept his silence, feeling helpless as he watched Eloisa clench her hands tightly together on her lap.
    “We will have to pay her family a call soon, Eloisa,” Mrs. Carstairs said. Smoothing her skirts, she added, “It can’t be helped. I will needto do some thinking about what is the appropriate space of time. One mustn’t be too eager to visit, you know.”
    “You will do what is right, dear. You always do,” Evan replied. Turning to Sean, his tone turned abrupt again. “Now that that is taken care of, do you need anything else?”
    As a matter of fact, Sean felt he needed many other things, the least of which was that he wished to have a moment to speak to Eloisa in private. It was obvious she would never tell him anything of worth in front of her parents.
    Luckily, Sean was prevented from answering right away by the arrival of a brass cart filled with a teapot, a coffeepot, a tray of currant scones, and a dish of tarts. All of it looked finer than anything he’d had the pleasure of sampling.
    “Looks like we’re eating too,” Mr. Carstairs stated. “Good. I’m starved.”
    “Yes, dear,” his wife murmured as she began serving. “Detective, what would you like?”
    Though the treats looked tempting, visions of his thick fingers maneuvering the fragile china cups propelled him to refuse the offering. “I’m afraid I must beg off. I appreciate your offer, but I must admit that I also came to ask Miss Carstairs more questions about last night.”
    Her father waved a hand curved around a lemon-curd tart. “Ask away, then.”
    After sharing a glance with Eloisa, Sean forced a thread of regret in his voice. “Forgive me, but it would be best if I spoke with her privately.”
    Mr. Carstairs paused in mid-bite. “Surely not.”
    Her mother sniffed. “You might not realize this, Detective, but it isn’t quite appropriate for you to converse with Eloisa privately.”
    Against his will, his cheeks heated. “All the same—”
    “Mother, I will be fine with Lieutenant Ryan,” Eloisa interrupted.
    Her mother, who had been filling her own plate, paused. “What could you possibly have to tell him that you couldn’t say in front of us?”
    “It won’t take long,” Sean said.
    Mr. Carstairs’s eyes narrowed. “What game are you playing, Ryan?”
    Sean hardened his voice. “Not a one, sir. I’m only doing the job the city trusts me to do.”
    Mrs. Carstairs fussed with the lace bordering her wrist. “I still don’t think it is proper for a young lady such as Eloisa to have private conversations with a policeman.”
    “There is nothing wrong with being a policeman, Mother,” Eloisa retorted. “You know Owen Howard is one.”
    Mrs. Carstairs’s cup rattled in her saucer. “Perhaps we could speak about this another time, dear.”
    Sean was about to point out that he was not there on a social call when Eloisa stood up.
    “Lieutenant Ryan, I know it is cool outside, but perhaps you would allow me to show you the gardens in the back?”
    Her mother sputtered. “Eloisa, this is not the time . . .”
    Skillfully ignoring both of her parents, Eloisa smiled at Sean, the expression lighting her face. “My mother is right. The gardens are not quite the thing of beauty they are in the spring or summer, but they’re still quite beautiful.”
    “Thank you, Miss Carstairs,” he murmured as he got to his feet. “I would like to see the gardens very much.” Turning to her parents, who now looked like a pair of disapproving statues, he nodded. “Again, I promise I won’t be long.”
    And with that, he followed Eloisa out of the room and back down the hall. Her yellow dress once again captured his eyes and ignited hisimagination. It emphasized her delicate features and golden hair. The bustle was ornate and carefully hooked in a cascade of intricate folds. Remembering how one of his sisters had once begged their mother for enough

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