Deception at Sable Hill

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Book: Deception at Sable Hill by Shelley Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Gray
Tags: Ebook
fabric to create such a gown but had been promptly turned down, Sean realized that he finally understood the beauty of such a dress. It was everything feminine in the world.
    But, perhaps, that was Eloisa?
    She stopped in the foyer as Worthy mysteriously appeared and handed Sean his coat and hat. Another footman appeared with a velvetlined cloak for her. And then, with a flourish, Worthy opened the imposing front door again, and Sean followed Eloisa out.
    Once the door was closed again, she smiled at him. “I’m so sorry about my parents and their blustering. I’m sure it was beyond horrible.”
    “Not at all.” He was tempted to remind her that he’d seen far worse things than protective parents. That she should be grateful that they cared enough about her to do everything they could to keep her safe.
    She wrinkled her nose. “How well you lie! I promise, when I informed my parents that you would be returning this morning, I had no idea they’d want to talk to you as well.”
    “They did everything that was proper,” he said as he held out his arm for her to take.
    As she took his arm, she gazed at him with a new, far cooler expression. “I am sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable?”
    He had a lovely woman—the woman of his very secret affections— on his arm and was currently meandering along the grounds of a magnificent estate. Nothing should be wrong.
    But the fact of the matter was that he was indeed uncomfortable, especially because though he would love to pretend that he was there only to chat about flowers and how pretty she looked in yellow, many other things needed to be discussed. “Miss Carstairs—”
    “Couldn’t we simply call each other by our first names?”
    “If that is what you would like, Eloisa. My name is Sean.”
    Smiling, she nodded. “I know that.”
    They walked a little farther from the house and entered the gardens, where only carefully trimmed evergreen hedges and some white chrysanthemums decorated their path.
    “Eloisa, I didn’t lie when I said I needed more information from you about last night. About Danica.”
    “All right.”
    “Tell me what else you know of her.”
    The broad question seemed to make her worried. “I don’t know her all that well.”
    “But she is in your social circle.”
    “She is, but I’m afraid it’s a rather large social circle.” After a slight pause, she said, “Danica and I were acquaintances at best. I haven’t shared a private conversation with her in some time.”
    “I see.”
    “Also, I was with you when we heard the scream, Sean. So I certainly didn’t see if she was conversing with someone before the Slasher attacked.”
    “So you saw no one at the party who was unusual? Who was not part of your usual, uh, crowd?”
    “Other than a policeman in an ill-fitting suit?” she murmured, her eyes softly teasing. “No.”
    Though he knew she spoke the truth, he was still embarrassed about how out of place he’d looked. “I see.”
    “Couldn’t Danica tell you anything?”
    “Not at the moment. Miss Webster couldn’t give us any clues besides the fact that he was large and wore a black cloak. It’s regretful that she chose to be about the grounds alone.”
    She shivered. “He may very well attack again.”
    “I fear it is a possibility.” Actually, he’d had a frank discussion with his captain about that the evening before. They’d come to the conclusion that the Society Slasher was becoming more aggressive and taking more chances with every victim. Captain Keaton had even predicted he would likely kill his next victim if he wasn’t apprehended.
    But of course there was no reason to share such a thing to a gently bred young lady like Eloisa.
    Her bottom lip trembled. As he watched her fold into herself, keeping her emotions tightly contained, he had a sudden desire to wrap his arms around her and hold her to him.
    “Eloisa, when we parted last night, and I said that I’d be returning, I’m afraid I led you to

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