Deep Space Endeavor 3 Death Match
will find it impossible not to like her, but it becomes a different story when you are now telling them she’s part of the family.”
    “I hadn’t thought about that,” Collin admitted.
    “Again, Collin, it’s not a reason not to go through with it, it’s just something to think about. They might have a hard time with it at first, but once they see how truly happy you are and how much you love each other, they’ll get over it. It will still be awkward for a little while, though.”
    “That’s true, but I still have no desire to see her experience any of that discomfort, especially from my family. I’ll have to give that some more thought.”
    “Collin, it all comes down to which means more to you. A lifetime with the woman you love, even if it starts out a little awkward, or the approval of your parents. It seems to me, this is the type of thing you do without asking and then wait for them to get over it. Because if you ask them and they say no, it will be much harder for them to get over it if you do it anyway.”
    “That’s a good point, too. I’m glad I brought this to you. Could you do me another favor?”
    “Of course, I won’t mention it to anyone.”
    “Thanks, man.” He gave him a quick embrace and went on his way to weigh his options. He knew Josiah was right. He wanted to be with Bessa more than anything. He would ask her, and marry her in this galaxy if she says yes.

    Chapter two
    ……… Back on Telos, Captain Ariel Marcos was beyond frightened; she was so terrified she could barely move. How is this possible? She had just closed her eyes after returning from a long journey to secretly see her cousin on Polisia. The lights were out and there was someone else in the room with her. This room was supposed to be secure. I have two trusted bodyguards outside, how could someone have gotten in my room? All of these thoughts were racing through her mind as her body tensed for the unknown. Her thoughts took her right to the worst possible place and she lay there frozen in terror. She thought about crying out, but could barely muster a sound. When the mystery voice spoke again, it was no less eerie the second time.
    “Do not bother screaming, the walls of these rooms are virtually sound proof, and the two men you had stationed outside your room have been…relieved of duty. I must admit, I was surprised to find an empty room being guarded by two men, so I decided to wait for you to return. I was even more surprised when you entered the room, not through the doorway as one would expect, but through a wall. I am as well traveled as anyone in the galaxy, and I never knew this resort featured rooms with secret passageways. That information will prove most useful next time I stay here.”
    Ariel stealthily reached the lights while the mystery man was still speaking and turned them on to see an Asian man reclining in the chair across the room from her bed.
    “Who are you and what do you want?” Ariel asked as she stood in a defensive position.
    “I am someone that has been sent with a message for Sea Side Enterprises. Would you like to hear it?”
    “There are easier ways to reach me than tracking me down while I’m on vacation. Now, who are you?” She didn’t expect an answer. She had pushed the panic button in her bracelet and was stalling, hoping her rescue would arrive in time. She may not know who this man was, but she knew who he worked for and she knew what his message was. She just had no idea that she was on the Enclave’s hit list yet.
    The assassin had no doubt guessed her intention as the lights went out and darkness once again filled the room. She stood perfectly still, listening for even the slightest hint of movement. She may have been terrified, but she was no easy target. She had been training with Earth’s best Special Forces units since she was thirteen years old. She would not go down easy. She was happy she

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