Defeat Cancer

Defeat Cancer by Connie Strasheim Read Free Book Online

Book: Defeat Cancer by Connie Strasheim Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Strasheim
using combinations of gene-targeted medications. This is unfortunate, but there are a number of prominent oncologists who are starting to embrace the idea and who are interested in our work because they see the good results that we get at our clinic. We have to convert them one by one.
    We have trained many doctors from other countries, as well. For instance, doctors from Japan travel here, learn how to do the treatments, and then go back home. Sometimes we send our doctors to other countries to train people. One clinic in Japan that treats patients based on our methods has done clinical trials on its patients and found that their over five-year survival rate for advanced colon cancer with liver metastasis has increased to 62 percent using antineoplaston therapy, compared to a 34 percent survival rate using traditional chemotherapy. Antineoplaston therapy is expanding into many countries as I continue to invite doctors from all over the world to come to our clinic, so that we can teach them how to do what we do, and they can learn from us.
Improving Cancer Care
    I really hope that antineoplaston treatment will become popular because it can save the lives of many, and also save a lot of money for the entire United States. Current conventional treatments are expensive and patients are all given the same, standard regimens for their cancers, but these regimens only work for a small number of people. Before prescribing treatments for advanced cancers, doctors should do tests to determine whether a particular treatment would be appropriate for their patients. Patients might spend less than a thousand dollars to do some testing (ie: to determine whether a specific chemotherapeutic drug would affect their cancer), but then they (patients, insurance companies, etc.) would save thousands of dollars per month in treatments because chemotherapy medications are very expensive.
    Doctors must take the time to figure out what treatments will work for their patients, because otherwise, we as a community will continue to spend trillions of dollars for nothing and patients will continue to suffer the effects of ill-prescribed medications. Doctors must direct their resources through the proper channels and identify the patients that would truly benefit from different medications. If they could do this, then more people would have access to medical care, and the overall price tag of treatment would be much lower. In the future, I believe that all doctors will be tailoring their treatments to the individual patient, instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine. Also, I think treatments will be designed through the computer, and that technology will be able to identify the medications that turn off bad genes, as well as those that will turn on good ones.
The Problem with Conventional Oncology
    Most oncologists work like robots. They give all of their patients the same treatment, but this isn’t beneficial, because every patient is unique and has different needs. Early stage cancer patients may be able to avoid chemotherapy if genetic testing supports that they not do it. But it’s difficult to make blanket statements about the effectivenessof different approaches to cancer because what works for one patient may not work for another.
    Oncologists have been trained to believe that radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery are the only ways to treat cancer. If they realized there is another universe out there consisting of treatments that work on the genes, they might want to do them, but most of them don’t even think much about these alternative treatments. They use the same, standard treatments for everyone and see their patients respond to those treatments for short periods of time before they pass away. It’s a very depressing practice. Most of them don’t have the slightest idea of what I do. If they do, and they try this different approach, they are sometimes portrayed as quacks or charlatans. Once they learn the truth, however,

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