Defying the Sheikh

Defying the Sheikh by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Defying the Sheikh by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Hughes
hand pour her coffee and remembered the feelings of those long digits on her flesh last night. A blush found her cheeks at the thought and as she took the cup from his hand, her own trembled.
    It pleased him to know she was not as unaffected by his presence as she would have him think. He moved his chair close to hers and prepared to translate the book as it was written in Arabic. He was startled when she read the first line, albeit clumsily. "How are you able to read this," he lifted a brow.
    "My father was a diplomat, much like my great uncle," she shrugged as if it were perfectly normal, "I enjoy different languages."
    He marveled at the woman before him and felt a sense of pride that she belonged to him. "Please continue," he handed the book over, knowing well how the text read, since he had recited the passages many times as a younger man.
    She stumbled over a few of the words, but managed to right herself. She had read a book previously about the religions of his country but still found it fascinating, if not barbaric. Stopping as she reached a point that visibly upset her she looked up into his eyes, shocked at the warmth that rested in his gaze. Finding it hard to speak as he stared at her so intently, she stuttered somewhat in her speech. "W-why do you allow your women s-so few choices?"
    He knew instinctively that this was a subject she took very seriously and fought to explain it in a way that her nationality could understand. "Our women are honored and protected, Michaela, I understand that this must be hard for you to comprehend, but that which we do, we do out of respect for them."
    "How can you say that, when they are forced to cover themselves from head to toe?" She was dumb-founded by his explanation.
    "History has shown us that women were traditionally mistreated and we do not allow the male race to gaze upon them openly. It is for their own protection as men have been known to be unable to control their own desires when faced with a beautiful woman." In truth his marriage was absolutely proof of the fact he was speaking.
    She thought carefully on his words, and while she disagreed with the dress code, she found it hard to argue that men were incapable of containing their desires as well as a woman. The thought brought a smile to her face.
    "I have amused you?" He returned the smile not knowing her thoughts.
    "Truly it is nothing," she bit her lip to stop the laugh that threatened to escape. "Is it true that you are allowed many wives?" For reasons she cared not to dwell on the thought of him having another wife made her angry. "Do you have a wife?" What if he already possessed another, she lifted her eyes to his, the joy leaving her immediately.
    "We are allowed more than one wife," he could see the anger filling her eyes at his words, and was once again pleased. "I do not have another wife," he paused to allow his words to sink in, "yet."
    "You will take another though?" Why should she care, she thought to herself, their own men visited the houses of ill repute to save their wives from suffering the constant pressures of the marriage bed. She told herself it was better than he had all the women he could handle, so her own bed would remain untouched.
    "It is expected that I have many sons," he rationalized with a shrug of his wide shoulders.
    She turned her attention back to the book not willing to allow the anger that seeped into her thoughts to gain footing over that thought. He could have all the women he chose, but she would not be one of his whores.
    He was learning her moods well, he thought watching as her beautiful lips tightened when she was displeased. "Does it anger you that you will not be my only wife?" He smiled knowing full well it did, but was curious to see if she would deny it.
    She considered lying to him, but that was a coward's way out in her opinion. "I will not bed a man who cannot give me his full affection." This argument would work well she thought, it gave him an out and her the

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