enough to help her move the taint. She’d never tried such a thing before, never heard of sharing energy with someone taint infected to remove the taint itself. If she'd never heard of it, it probably meant it was a bad idea. But with the heat bleeding into her shoulders now, she didn’t have time to come up with anything else.
Instinctively, she reached for an image to help her divide her attention between pushing against the taint, attuning with it, and reaching out to attune with Daniel’s energy. The taint was red heat, the resistance still glacial ice melting in a wide band of attunement along its edges. To this she added a two pronged blue-green light emerging from that attunement, one arm reaching out to connect to Daniel’s body, another to connect with the center of her own chest. She felt again for his energy signature, that multi-colored, shimmering lake of blazing power inside him, and shifted the blue-green light to attune with those colors. Then she drew on that light, hard and fast, pulled it toward her own body.
It lit her up like fireworks exploding. She rocked back at the impact and almost lost control of the structure of energies she was balancing. With an effort more intuitive than thought out, she threw the energy around the taint, through her attunement with it, and pushed again.
The heat rushed back down her arms, until it rested between her palms. She reached out with her will energy and felt the thin line of the taint connected to Daniel’s body through her remaining attunement with him. She pulled that in too, cut the whole package loose, and squeezed the rest of it out between her hands.
“In the name of God, in the name of the light, I release you to earth,” she sang out. She thrust her palms against the grass and felt the heat of the taint being sucked away from her, into the ground. An ear splitting shriek sounded and was cut off suddenly. Bree sank back onto her heels, panting, and did a final sweep. She’d gotten it all. The taint was banished. Hell, it was exorcised , and without any of the proper preparation.
She looked back at Daniel and he was sitting up, his knees raised, elbows on them, his face in his hands. It took her a moment in her rattled state to see that his body was starting to jerk with sobs, though he wasn’t making any sound. Her Reader sense reached out automatically to scan Daniel, and she was inundated with an agonizing mixture of despair, fear and shame. She needed it to stop, but she was too charged up by the near disaster with the taint to get control of her Reader sense, and it just kept coming. She was trembling all over with after reaction, both hers and Daniel's, and tears started pouring down her face.
Bree moved behind Daniel and wrapped her arms under his, palms on his chest, and held him to her, cheek against the back of his head. She didn’t often touch a subject like this, but she was too tired and frazzled to resist her damned, over-active Reader empathy, and it was the only thing she could think of to get his feelings calmed down so they would stop flooding her. She held him while he released the huge amount of negative energy that had been tied into the taint. She couldn’t imagine how he could have held one that size and not started to show signs of demon possession. That she would have sensed the minute she met him.
The rain came down harder, and as Bree’s terror started to quiet, she became more aware of the comparative warmth where their bodies touched. She also started to notice she was enjoying this a little too much. She liked holding him, probably any man would do, as long as it’d been. Gradually Daniel’s silent crying and shuddering slowed, then stopped. He stirred under her hands, and she removed them from his chest and sat back on her heels. He rubbed at his face for a minute, and Bree did the same, trying to erase evidence of her own tears. Then he surged to his feet, turned, and held out a hand to pull