Department Store

Department Store by Bridy McAvoy Read Free Book Online

Book: Department Store by Bridy McAvoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bridy McAvoy
enticing, even than her near-naked display in the nightie on the shop floor earlier. Another button popped, and then another. The last two above the waist line joined their companions in useless display rather than functional modesty. She obviously expected me to immediately expose her breasts, or at the very least plunge my hands into the yawning chasm and take charge of their prize. I did neither, returning instead to the nuzzling and nibbling of her neck and ear. Her moans were becoming more audible as the minutes passed, but I was definitely not in any kind of a hurry. Her ass ceased its circling. Instead it was driving up and down, centred on my hard prick resting between her globes. It was almost as if she was trying to fuck me in this position despite the layers of cloth in between.
      My hands played with the smooth skin of her stomach, neither moving up to her breasts or down toward her concealed treasure. Then, with her moans continuous, I stopped the manipulations of her body and pushed her away from me slightly. She looked at me, hurt, as if I was pushing her away because she had done something wrong. I was merely changing position however. I moved across to the far inside corner of the lift, swinging her round so she was literally backed into it, the brass hand rail digging into her back. My hands instinctively found her waist and I lifted her easily. She was perched on the rail, one hand either side of her gripping it, wondering what I was about to do. Her whole body was now elevated some six or seven inches from the floor, lifting her chin to roughly the level of my eyes. If I dropped my eyes only a fraction her glorious cleavage was right there. She could see where I was looking and I suspect the blush that followed was as much from passion as from embarrassment, probably more so.
    One hand left her waist while the other held her steady. Her eyes opened wide as I grasped her knee and lifted her leg to sit along the rail. I switched grips to repeat the process but she was already moving first. Smiling into her eyes I leaned forward and placed a tiny chaste kiss on her lips before dipping my head toward her neck and cleavage. It was obvious she was watching me in the mirrors behind my head as I began to nuzzle the soft flesh at the very top of her cleavage.
    Spreading her legs in this manner had forced the skirt to ride up, exposing her legs as far as the stocking tops. I knew it wasn’t particularly comfortable for her but I intended to finish what I’d started in this position before moving her again.
    My hands dropped between her legs and slowly began to undo the buttons there, moving from the bottom up. Each button proved easier than the previous, the newly opened part of the skirt pulling sideways by the stress of the position. I was still nuzzling at her cleavage as my fingers found the last button. It popped open, leaving the dress to hang, in the front anyway, in two loose token halves.
    I heard her gasp, the first words either of us had spoken for several minutes.
    “I think there’s a more comfortable position than this for you.”
    Both hands met at her waist and I gently lifted her up and then down, allowing her to bring her legs closer together to stand on her own feet.
    “Thank you . . . sir.”
    I smiled at her and indicated to her I wanted her to lie on the plush carpet. She sank gracefully backward, somehow managing to keep the loose halves of the dress covering herself from my eyes. Eventually she was lying supine on the floor. I knelt beside her and motioned for her to lift her arms above her head, which she did, surrendering complete access to her body.
    I wondered why she’d spoken again, and looked up at her face to see she was staring at the mirror on the lift ceiling, obviously not something she’d noticed was there before.
    I chuckled and leaned down to kiss her soft lips once more. She lay still, knowing subconsciously that this was what was required of her

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