Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameo Renae
grass. Danyel and I were on break from an ongoing war, and I decided to take a chance and head into the human cities to blend with the mortals. It was something I somewhat enjoyed. Being lost in their world with little care. Just to observe their many ways, and wondering why God chose to create them. 
    I don’t know why, but that day I was drawn to the city of Portland, Oregon. I sat outside of a small café, had a cup of coffee, and entertained myself watching the innumerable expressions of the passing crowds. Signs of joy, gloom, grief, hate, tension, weariness, love, and even those who seemed completely emotionless.
    I was suddenly captivated by a couple on the opposite side of the highway. The female had run from one direction, straight into the male’s arms. He swung her around in a tight embrace, and it ended in a passionate kiss. It was then I began to ponder how these mortals found their mates. Was it merely an inkling, or were they drawn to each other?
    But, just as these thoughts entered my mind, something caught me off guard. A sudden sensation which sent my emotions reeling in all directions. Confusion, exhilaration, euphoria. They heated me to my core. My chest tightened, and as I turned, a young female was standing next to me. Her eyes were wide with confusion. I tried, but was unable to strip my eyes from her. This mortal was near perfection.  She was fair and petite. Her dark brown eyes had mesmerized me. I was an immortal. A Fallen Angel under her spell. Bewitched by her beauty. 
    “Hello ,” I whispered.
    She did not utter a word, but another mortal female tugged at her arm.
    “ Alaine. Let’s go,” she whispered. She took her arm and tugged her away from me, through the doors of the café. As the distance between us grew larger, the immense feelings began to dissipate.
    Alaine. The enchantress had a name. A name which echoed through my entire being, secretly calling out to her. I wanted to be near her. Wanted to know every detail about her.
    But one question pressed on my mind. Was she truly mortal?
    I’ d never before experienced such erratic emotions, but had heard countless stories of them. Through the centuries, when a Pureblood found their mate, an instant awareness and connection was made between the kindred spirits.
    With a touch, a strong connection and mutual bond was formed, linking the two together…forever. This binding was so strong that whenever they were apart, each heart ached for the other, longing to be joined once again.
        I wanted to follow after her, but instead I stayed put and battled my emotions, waiting and hoping she would return. Had she experienced the same feelings I had? Her wide eyes told me that we had shared something.
    But those things left unexplained would haunt me. I couldn’t let her disappear without first discovering who she really was. If she were mortal, I would be crushed. But how could feelings so strong lead to someone who was so forbidden? She had to be more. Maybe she was a Pureblood, like me. Maybe she was also on assignment. Maybe she was a Guardian.
    I would stay until I found out.  

    I ’d recently celebrated my 22 nd birthday, and was on break from college, studying to become a nurse. Both of my parents were battling their own separate medical illnesses, and I wanted to learn how to better care for them, and give back a little for all the years they helped me. 
    A colleague of mine, Krystal Kross, wanted to take me to a fairly new café that she’d heard about. They supposedly served some killer coffee and sandwiches, so I was game.
    As we walked toward the entrance I noticed a young man sitting by himself at one of the two tables outside, observing the people passing by. He had slightly wavy, dark-brown hair which was a bit shorter on the sides than it was on top, and was all drawn back. From the side, his features were strong and masculine, and his skin was slightly tanned. Muscles were well defined on his arms, and I could

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