Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online

Book: Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameo Renae
intended to give you up, but it was necessary for your safety.”
    “A --are th-they still alive?” Alaine stuttered.
    “Yes, a nd you have a half-sister who is completely human,” Aurora confessed.
    Alaine couldn’t beli eve it. This news was overwhelming, but suddenly her chest felt heat again.
    “The wolves are coming ,” Aurora alerted. “Quick, jump on my back. Your friends are waiting. I’ll take you to them.”
    “Won’t they see you?” Alaine asked.
    “Don’t worry. I’m practiced at remaining hidden to humans,” she giggled.
    Alaine jumpe d up onto Aurora’s back, and they took off into the sky. She watched the wolves circle the tombstone, snapping and howling. They’d escaped just in time.
    Aurora flew Alaine to a patch of trees on the opposite side of the cemetery. She set her down quietly. She was across the parking lot, and the wolves were still near the center tombstone. All of her friends’ eyes were locked in their direction. The boys, along with Jessica and Susan were frantically calling Alaine’s name.
    “Alaine, keep safe . Your father has also left you another gift. A garment, which has been placed in your closet to protect you if evil should come. If the Bloodstone ever glows, or you feel afraid, put it on. It contains magic,” she said.
    She was just about to take off again when Alaine grabbed her arm. “W ait! What’s his name?”
    “I am not allowed to speak his name , but I will tell you this. Your birth mother’s name was Jane Wilder. She still resides in the area.”
    “In Oregon?”
    Aurora nodded.
    Alaine gasped. She couldn’t believe it. All this time, her birth mother lived in the same state and she had no idea! And, she also had a half-sister that she knew nothing about. 
    “ You must go,” Aurora urged. Before Alaine could answer, she flapped her wings and shot off into the air. “Quickly, Alaine! Return to your friends,” her voice carried before disappearing into the night. 
    “Alaine! Alaine!” Jessica screamed out of a small crack in her window, desperately calling her lost friend.
    Loud howls, growls, and snapping of teeth made the girls heads snap back to the other car. Two wolves had jumped onto the boy’s car, and their horrified screams could be heard loud and clear through the closed windows. Wesley had started the car, but was waiting for the girls to leave first.
    Alaine dashed across the narrow road towards Jessica’s car. She glanced at the reflection in the window, and immediately noticed that she wasn’t there. The street light and trees behind her were, but not her.
    She was invisible!
    Alaine took a few deep breaths and slowly watched her reflection slowly reappear.  
    “Jessica !” Alaine screamed, pounding on the window, making both girls inside jump and scream. Susan dove toward her and quickly unlocked the door. Alaine shoved in and slammed the door behind her.
    “Where the hell were you?” Jessica scolded.
    “I went back for Susan’s glasses.”
    “You scared the hell out of us ! I was calling you. I thought something horrible had happened,” she yelled. She was visibly upset. Tears streamed from her red eyes, and she was trembling.
    “I’m sorry . I was there. But it’s dark, and I was trying to hide from the wolves. I used the trees as cover.” Alaine tried to make sense of it all, but there was no way of explaining what had happened.
    “Whatever, Alaine! You could have been killed! I told you this was a stupid idea!” Alaine kept quiet as Jessica started the car. Just as she pulled away a wolf jumped in front of them. She slammed on the breaks and pounded the horn. “Damn you, stupid wolf!” she hollered, glaring at it. She punched the gas petal, screeching forward nearly running it over. Wesley and the boys followed close behind.
    Alaine handed Susan her glasses, and she thanked her, sobbing and also shaking.
    The night of Alaine’s eighteenth birthday would be a night they would never forget.  
    Alaine had NO

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