Destiny: Book of Light

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Book: Destiny: Book of Light by Paul Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Allen
planet, but the whole Solar System came under threat. The biggest of the corporations, known as Amack, found a way to harness the suns energy. It was said that a young scientist was sitting in bed with curtains nearly fully drawn. Only a single ray of sunlight cut through his room. He was smoking a joint and blowing rings in a deep trance when he noticed it. As the ring passed through the ray of light, it left a less dense ring behind it in the lights path. This indicated the energy within the light itself. Enough to stop moving smoke. With the abundance of light nearly constant at the higher level of the towers this was an energy source that must be utilised. They began creating solar power.
    Shortly following this another scientist realised the differences between solar power and any other form of power found on the planet. It was a much purer source and with different properties especially in the creation of alloy metals. It was found that the suns energy strengthened metals by oxidization and some other unknown force, to beyond any that existed previously. From this was created a super metal. Anthium. Anthium was completely indestructible by any known means to mankind. But it took years to produce the first of it and it was no bigger than a tennis ball in size. The suns energy needed to be much more concentrated if this metal would ever go into mass production. The corporations saw the potential in the metal and set about doing just that.
    Then came the creation of the solar filter which they called “Birth”. It was like a massive funnel of mirrors between the planet and the Sun, relatively close to the Suns gravitational field but with carefully balanced boosters to counter it. This then focused the Sun's light on a receiver built in Riona Upper. The funnel also acted like a magnifier, multiplying the strength of the light being funneled through it until it was at the point where it was actually drawing energy from the sun, not just absorbing what the sun was giving out.
    "Didn't think he'd actually go through with it captain. Thought it was all a bit of a lark?"
"Nah, he's dead serious alright."
"D'lads were saying he knows one of them?"
    At the moment it was turned on, anywhere on the planet that it was day, dimmed to night. A beam of light with indescribable brightness burst through the atmosphere and into the receiver at the center of Amacks head Tower. They owned five, right dead center of the island. The light was so powerful that all inhabitants of Riona Upper had to wear specially designed glasses. The corporations were prepared for this, and those in Riona Lower were shielded from the light by ground level 40, but thousands along Hastirs coastline were permanently blinded instantly. This lead to a mass evacuation of the mainland coasts to a safe distance from the light. The phrase blind leading the blind was put to the test. Although the Sun was being funnelled it wasn't totally blocked out, but the main source of light for the world now became the beam to Amack. This created permanent daylight in the Southern Hemisphere with Riona, and the light faded the further you got from there, creating permanent dusk at the opposite end of the globe. Anthium went into mass production.
    "We can't just leave him here captain, it's not right. There's gotta be something wrong with him in the head or sumtin?"
"It's what we're bein paid for Jimmy."
    First to be created were massive support beams built deep into the core of the earth to support Riona Upper. These beams took many years to construct and to survive you not only worked on construction but you doubled as a soldier, as "The cause," was under constant attack from the gangs. With these attacks though, the Corporations became increasingly proud of their creation. No matter how many set backs or defeats they encountered, once the Anthium was in place and set, nothing the gangs did could affect it. Next came reinforcing the Towers themselves along with

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