Destiny Unleashed

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Book: Destiny Unleashed by Sherryl Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherryl Woods
opening salvo. There was no way that he hadn’t gotten wind of it by now. For several years, it seemed, he’d known what Carlton Industries intended to do even before the ink was dry on their plans. Whether he had a source inside the company or a clever outsider, Destiny intended to find that person and deal with him or her, as well.
    She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the taxi’s rearview mirror as they drove through the London mist toward the flat that had been rented for her. She couldn’t seem to stop smiling. Nor could she preventthe rush of anticipation that filled her now that she was finally here.
    It was going to be a magnificent battle, and it would all begin tomorrow.

    D estiny was at her desk just after dawn, eager to put things into motion for her debut as the new chairman of the Carlton Industries European division. She’d dressed carefully for the occasion, knowing that first impressions were important if she expected to be taken seriously. Just being here so early would put to rest any notion that she was merely a figurehead, who would be seldom seen and whose imprint on the operation would be minimal.
    She’d chosen a dark brown suit, severely tailored, and added a gold silk blouse and discreet gold jewelry. She’d spent a lot of time on her hair and makeup, going for a look that was understated and businesslike. Not that her hair was happy with the attempt to tame it. Several strands had sprung free on the brisk walk to the office in the misty morning air. In retrospect, she probably should have taken a taxi, but she enjoyed walking and liked the natural color it put into her cheeks. And at her age, she’d take any chance she could to catch a few minutes of exercise. Since she loved good food and absolutely hated going to a gym, walking was her primary way to battle the effects of a slowing metabolism.
    She’d arrived at the Carlton Industries headquarters feeling invigorated and maybe just a little noble forhaving gotten her day off to such a healthy start. Now for the real challenge—making this office and this assignment into her own.
    She’d already spent an entire evening planning changes to her rented flat so that it would be more of a reflection of her personality and taste. At the moment it was elegant and entirely too dull, but she would have to wait until after the holidays when the decorations came down to start a complete makeover. For now, she would devote her attention to the office and work.
    In the middle of the great mahogany desk, which was far too masculine for her taste, she had placed her agenda for the day, along with personnel reports on all of the company’s key executives. She intended to meet with every one of them to establish the new goals they were going to accomplish together, beginning the first of the year. Richard had looked over and approved her strategy, but cautioned her against moving too quickly.
    “This isn’t the States. London moves at a slower, more resolute pace,” he’d warned.
    She’d regarded him evenly. “Not anymore, it doesn’t. Not at Carlton Industries, at any rate.”
    “If you try to shake things up too quickly, you’ll meet resistance,” he’d insisted.
    “Not for long,” she’d assured him, her voice filled with determination.
    Richard had regarded her with dismay. “Destiny, you can’t steamroll over everyone there, the way you do over Ben, Mack and me. It simply isn’t done. You’ll offend the very people you need as allies.”
    She’d laughed at him. “I do know other tactics,darling. Surely you don’t think all those women who’ve served with me on various charity boards take kindly to steamrolling.”
    “No, I imagine not, but sugarcoating it is not the same as using a different tactic altogether. Are you even familiar with the term consensus-building? Or a win-win strategy?”
    She bit back the sharp retort that popped into her mind at his patronizing tone. “Will you just leave all of this to me?”

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