community requested.
Once business started picking up, they realised they couldn’t keep up with the administration, as well as the shop maintenance and product sourcing so they hired me to deal with the admin.
For a few hours a day, I answered customer queries or passed on emails to Seren or David if they were too complicated for me to answer. I arranged the orders for processing, as well as kept track of their website and stock levels. It wasn’t the most mentally taxing work I’d ever done, but they paid me a reasonable rate and were pretty flexible with my hours, so it worked out well. Most of all, I just loved the feeling of being productive again, as well as earning my own money. It would help pay for college, once I’d picked some classes.
My job, combined with my daily runs, often with Evan or a wolf at my side, ensured I was feeling fitter than ever, although my magic lessons might have had something to do with that too. I certainly felt more in tune with my inner witch. The strange things I once caused were very rare now, so rare, I never had to worry about them. My magic came to me easily now that I understood I wasn’t merely controlling it; I was allowing it to be part of me.
To drown out the little voice in my head that wanted to know everything about the Brotherhood ( right now! ), I concentrated on answering the small overnight flurry of emails. Seren and David’s business was doing well and they were attracting witches from all over America, as well as further afield. Just last week, I’d seen orders from Canada, Australia and even Italy. I always kept an eye out for any orders from England, but, so far, saw nothing.
I made my way through the orders quickly, compiling them all before I emailed the documents to David’s inbox for packing and shipping. So far, they were doing everything between the three of us but, if business improved, I hoped they would hire someone else to help them out. That job done, I checked the website to make sure all the text and images were showing up properly. After adding some new images and copy for the latest products they were stocking, I made sure the day’s books were in order, finally.
Though I worked remotely, we’d agreed that every few weeks or so I would make the journey up north to their shop and audit their files to keep them in order. They may be witches, but the IRS still wanted to see decent records and that was my very human responsibility.
I was looking forward to going, even if it meant leaving Evan behind for a couple of days. Since he’d arrived in Wilding, we’d spent every day together and I was happily used to him being in such close proximity. Sometimes, however, it was an adjustment to share my daily life with another person, not to mention Étoile and Kitty, too.
Next to me, the cordless house phone trilled, jolting me out of my thoughts. I picked it up on the third ring.
“Happy birthday!” Seren’s voice filled my ear. “I only have one question, why are you working? And don’t say you’re not. I can see you online.”
“Just making sure I keep up. I want to win employee of the week.”
Seren laughed. “Honey, you’re employee of the week, every week. Now stop! I don’t want you to do another thing. Oh, David, wants to say something.”
“Happy birthday, Stella,” David’s voice came on the line. “Did you like our card?”
“Yes, it was beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, and stop working. Boss’ orders.”
“Yes, boss.”
A knock sounded on the door just as I hung up and Étoile stuck her head around. We hadn’t had a chance to talk privately since she left abruptly a week ago. In typical Étoile fashion, she hadn’t been totally clear. “Hey. How are things?”
“Okay,” I said, thinking that said nothing and everything. “Where have you been?”
“New York.”
“Oh.” I hadn’t expected her to answer, as she’d been so cagey when she left, but it surprised me that she had been in the