Did I Mention I Won The Lottery?
make sure there is an up to date debit card on the account and
we’ll upgrade the limit on your credit card of course and issue you
with a new platinum version.’
    Rebecca felt a
moment of sorrow for the plain little non platinum card that had
made this trip possible.
    ‘I see that the
account is in your name only, are you happy to leave it this way? I
can see you also have a joint account with us in the name of
yourself and Mr Daniel Miles.’
    When Rebecca
had taken out the account the children had been small and she and
Daniel had been happy. It had never occurred to Rebecca to open an
account at a different bank.
    Rebecca chewed
her lip. She could imagine the conversation, the bank manager
phoning and asking Daniel if he had decided what to do with the 15
million pounds in the account, Daniel wondering what he was talking
about, Rebecca explaining that she hadn’t told him yet because …
actually Rebecca wasn’t really sure why she hadn’t told Daniel yet
but the news needed to come from her and not the bank manager.
    She cleared her
throat and leant forward ever so slightly to meet the gaze of the
bank manager. His name badge gave no first name.
    ‘Mr Dickinson,
I need to know that until I say otherwise the money will stay in
this account. I will be moving it into our joint account, of course
I will!’
    Of course she
would, thought Rebecca firmly. Why wouldn’t she?
    ‘But until I do
I need you not to...well I don’t want you discussing the money with
anyone. I mean, no-one must know. If Mr Miles phones you…’
    Rebecca shook
her head, why on earth would Daniel suddenly take it upon himself
to phone the bank and ask if there was 15 million pounds in his
wife’s account?
    She sighed,
‘I’m sorry, I’m not being clear, what I mean is…’
    Fortunately, Mr
Dickinson interrupted her, raising his hand and smiling
reassuringly at the thoroughly confused Rebecca.
    ‘You have our
absolute assurance Mrs Miles that your account is totally
confidential. No details will ever be revealed to anyone, even Mr
    Rebecca smiled
and sat back in her seat. ‘Good,’ she said simply. ‘That’s
    She left some
time later with a selection of brochures regarding investments,
wills, inheritance tax and savings accounts, a vastly increased
limit on her little credit card, a new card ordered and with her
account upgraded to an all singing all dancing executive
    She had seen Mr
Dickinson eye the property brochures she had placed on the desk and
he added a leaflet about house conveyance and legal fees. She had
been escorted to the door and her hand gripped firmly as he assured
her of their best attention at all times and finally Rebecca was
walking back towards the hotel, the light already fading and the
wind colder than ever as she pulled the trench coat around her
shoulders and picked up the pace. Stopping only briefly to grab a
handful of glossy magazines, the sort that Rebecca normally
considered far too expensive for her purse, she was soon back in
the wonderfully heated lobby of Quebecs hotel with one of the bell
boys catching her eye the moment she entered the door and pressing
the lift button for her floor.
    Rebecca ran a
bath and relaxed up to her neck in bubbles until she felt the
warmth return to her bones and the stress of the day seep out of
her skin. Wrapping herself in a fluffy white towel that felt like a
cuddle from a loved one, she rubbed her hair dry and ran a brush
through it before she gazed critically into the bathroom mirror.
She had been pretty once. Now, like most 45 year olds, it was all a
little loose. Her hair needed a good cut and not the trim she
usually did herself over the sink. It had lost a lot of the rich
auburn colour of her youth and was more of a non-descript brown at
the moment. Her neck was definitely starting to sag and the
laughter lines round the corners of her hazel eyes were more
pronounced than they had been a few years earlier. But she wasn’t
too bad

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