He watched him cross the street and start down the next block, thinking
I know you’re planning something
I know that and I don’t have much time to figure out what it is—and we still need your help
F or more than a decade Marquez ran California Fish and Game’s undercover team, the Special Operations Unit or SOU, where the mission was clear: disrupt the black market flow of California wildlife and penetrate as high up the chain as possible, while at the same time projecting enough presence to make a skipper of a salmon trawler hooking an urchin bag filled with illegal abalone second-guess himself. It took luck, patience, and long hours to build the case a District Attorney’s office couldn’t find an excuse not to prosecute. It required teamwork and timing and knowing how to utilize momentum.
Now was different and quieter and in many ways more complex. He picked up the loose threads. He chased the lead once sure that had vanished, the investigation too slowly unfolding for the SOU to focus on, too expensive or time consuming, or the case where a key witness recanted at the last moment and disappeared into hiding. Or the black marketer who picks up on the surveillance and folds up shop temporarily. These came to Marquez.
He also worked with the Feds as a task force officer with the FBI and a deputized US Marshal. His passport breezed him through airport inspections and he was a burr to global traffickers. He often worked alone and that took a toll. He was alone this afternoon as he knocked on the door of Emile Soliatano’s house. He knew now there was a wife and a dog and that Emile worked swing shift in a new factory in Sacramento where you needed the skill of an engineer to operate the robotic equipment. He knew the pay was very good there.
When Emile opened the door he blinked at the sunlight as if he’d never experienced it before and waited for Marquez to speak with an expression of curiosity and trepidation. Perhaps he hoped Marquez was a window salesman about to hand him a business card and propose measuring and pricing replacement windows. Yet it was in his eyes that he was afraid of this knock.
Marquez identified himself and slowly showed him his badge.
‘I’m sorry about Enrique’s death. I’m here on a follow up.’
‘How did you find me?’
‘You gave your cell phone number to hospital staff and they gave it to me.’
They looked at each other. Emile was a big guy. He filled the doorway. He blocked the door. Behind him a TV was on and no doubt he knew the Department of Fish and Game was very interested in talking with anybody who was a friend, associate, or family of Enrique Jordan. Local police were also canvassing.
‘I don’t feel much feel like talking about my brother and I’ve got to go to work real soon.’
‘How soon?’
‘Soon, and I’ve got to get ready. What’s the big deal talking to me?’
‘Your brother was trying to dump a thousand fingerling pike in the Sacramento River. That would have been bad news for the river.’
‘I don’t know anything about that.’
‘Who called 911?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘After the accident a call got made to 911.’
‘How would I know who called?’
‘Haven’t you wondered?’
‘I hadn’t even thought about it. I guess I’m not thinking clearly.’
‘His phone was nowhere near him. We couldn’t find it anywhere.’
‘Maybe it got thrown out of the truck.’
‘Yeah, maybe we should go look for it together. In fact, that’s what I want to do. Let’s go there together and I’d like to hear your side of things before we do anything with you.’
‘What does that mean?’
‘What it sounds like.’
Soliatano blinked at the sunlight again, said, ‘I don’t understand.’
‘What if talking to me was your best chance of dealing with this?’
‘What the fuck? What have I done? Is this because I said he was my brother and he’s really my cousin? If it is, big fucking deal. I needed that nurse to