Dirty Little Lies: A Men of Summer Novel

Dirty Little Lies: A Men of Summer Novel by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online

Book: Dirty Little Lies: A Men of Summer Novel by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
time for anything else.
    And now, she had to deal with Zack.
    Just when she thought life could calm down a little …
    At least she’d been able to shower, with some help from Kenni. Her hair was washed and neatly brushed rather than tangled around her face. She’d felt like a bedraggled orphan earlier in the day.
    “I can think of better ways to spend the night than pacing the floors.”
    Swinging around, Grace barely managed to contain a surprised cry, both at the pain caused by the movement as well as by the sight of Zack leaning in the doorway connecting the two bedrooms.
    Freshly showered, he hadn’t yet combed his dark auburn hair; it framed his face with roguish messiness that looked far too sexy. His chest and feet were bare. Hard, tight abs flexed as he scratched at the light sprinkle of hair on his chest. The only reason he was on the right side of decent was the snug jeans, zipped but not buttoned, hanging low on his hips.
    She wanted to lick him.
    Bite him.
    All night long.
    What in the hell had possessed her uncle to allow him to spend the night?
    “Uncle Vinny catches you in here, and he’ll skin you alive,” she hissed, hobbling back to her bed, grateful she’d changed from her gown to the silky black pajamas Kenni helped her into after her shower.
    “He’d have to catch me first.” The arrogance in his tone was too natural to be faked. Which meant he’d kept that side of himself hidden over the years. At least from her.
    Before she could pull herself back to the mattress, she felt Zack quickly lift her and then gently settle her against the pillows.
    “I could have done it myself!” she snapped, at odds with herself and the liquid pleasure now coursing through her. “I’m not a damned invalid.”
    “That knife wound to your thigh says different,” he grunted, easing back before once again sitting at the side of her bed as though he had every right to do so.
    “I was doing fine,” she reminded him irritably. “Magnus is much worse. Besides—” She breathed out heavily. “—I have to head to D.C. to the Brigham Estate next week. I need to work out some of the soreness.”
    The monthly meeting with the Brigham Agency couldn’t be put off. Besides, she was friends with Victoria Brigham and had promised to attend her birthday party. She’d actually been looking forward to it.
    “Like hell.” The scowl on Zack’s face caused her to tilt her head and stare back at him in surprise while arranging the blankets to her waist.
    “What’s like hell?” she asked absently, trying not to focus on his lips. Especially the lower one with that slight fullness to it that she just wanted to nibble at.
    Maybe even bite.
    She didn’t think all night long would be enough time.
    “What the hell are you doing, making a trip to the Brigham Estate?” The irritation in his tone had her refocusing on listening to him rather than biting him. “You have no business there.”
    Grace stilled. “Really? According to my uncle and Alex Brigham, I have a monthly meeting there, just as I’ve had since I took over the position as Uncle Vinny’s assistant. One weekend a month. They insist.” She waved her hand negligently. “I tend to go along with such requests, though.” She smiled sweetly. “Considering it is my job.”
    So much for that friendly, quiet accountant demeanor he’d been lying to her with over the years. He was just as hard-edged and arrogant as her cousins. Well, they’d learned better than to try to run over her through the years. If Zack insisted on sticking around the Maddox household, he’d learn as well.
    Probably the same way her cousins had: the hard way.
    “Not anymore, it’s not,” he assured her, staring at her as though he couldn’t imagine her doing such a thing.
    It was the Brigham Estate, not a brothel, for pity’s sake.
    “Has Uncle Vinny canceled the meeting?” she asked with deliberate confusion. She tended to play with morons. It was a game of

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