Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy

Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy by Jennifer Collins Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy by Jennifer Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Collins
non-humans in the Human Realm were Vampires, and the stories of them were more terrifying than those of the Shifters.
    "I promise you, Princess. Everything will be fine," Raine said in a soft voice. "I pledged my life in protection of you, and I'm a huge fan of being alive." He looked at her with a smirky smile.
    Cass managed a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. Being hurt, attacked by Shifters—this was why royal Magic Users never left the Village. She turned to stare out the window at the trees blurring past. That's how she felt, constantly in motion. She closed her eyes and blocked everything out. She was quickly in her place, a small creek not far from the Village with clear water, colorful rocks, and dark-green grass. Her heart rate immediately slowed. Her mother had shown her this trick. "Just go to your secret place," she'd say when Cass was feeling agitated. It had to be somewhere away from your problems, where pain and darkness never could find you.
    Cass wasn't sure how long she had been hiding in her head when she felt the car stop. Her eyes flew open, and she found herself staring at an old Victorian house with a wide wraparound porch. It would have been beautiful if not for the massive trees surrounding and almost covering the entire house.
    "Creepy," she whispered.
    Raine nodded. "It's OK. Come on."
    Cass followed, holding her swollen and bruised arm. The pain, which had been constant the whole ride, now began to thump harder. She gritted her teeth and kept up as Raine went to the door and knocked. The massive wooden door opened slowly to reveal a thin woman with dirty blond hair and striking blue eyes. She didn't look like a Vampire, Cass thought. Her skin was too tan for one. She was beautiful though, Cass noted, giving the woman a once over. She was thin, almost as thin as Cass herself but was tall and almost majestic looking.
    The woman smiled. "Raine. It is so good to see you!" She looked at Cass. "And you've brought a friend."
    "Becca, this is Cassandrianna, my charge," Raine said.
    The smile fell from her face. "This is a serious visit then." She moved to the side. "Please come in."
    Raine guided Cass into the sitting room off to the right of the entranceway. The furniture was very ornate. The couches looked uncomfortable and were, Cass found out after Raine pushed her down into one.
    The woman, Becca, hovered in the doorway. "How badly is she hurt?"
    "It's her arm. Possibly broken."
    Becca nodded. "I'll be right back."
    Raine watched her go before turning back to Cass. "How are you?"
    She shrugged and winced at the movement. "Overwhelmed."
    A deep chuckle filled the room. "Of course. Little girl far from her safe Village."
    Raine rolled his eyes and turned toward the door. "Joseph. Nice to see you."
    Cass looked past Raine's large body to see a tall, thin man, his skin as pale as a ghost. A Vampire. He looked young, but with a Vampire, looks had nothing to do with age.
    "Why are you so far from home?" the Vampire asked, strolling into the room. He stopped by the window, flinching in the sunlight but not bursting into flames.
    He must be very old
, Cass assumed. Only Vampires past their centennial mark could stand in the sun.
    "We're on a mission," Raine said.
    Cass sat back and took a deep breath. She wasn't one to let someone else talk for her, but in this instance, she seemed to have lost her voice. Shifters and nowa Vampire. What was next, a Daemon? She knocked softly on the wooden arm of the couch; it was best not to jinx herself.
    "A dangerous one, I see," Joseph said, eyeing Cass.
    Raine hesitated. "We were attacked by Shifters. One royal."
    Joseph made a disgusted face. "Filthy creatures."
    "Why don't we all just settle down?" Becca said, walking back into the room with a glass of something blue. She sat down next to Cass. "This must be overwhelming for you."
    Cass nodded and tried a small smile.
    "I can help with your arm, but it'll take me a while to mix up a few things." She held out

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