Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen

Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen by Malcolm Kohll Read Free Book Online

Book: Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen by Malcolm Kohll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Malcolm Kohll
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
Murray struggled and returned to the hall as the band launched into ‘That’ll be the Day’.
    The Doctor was walking along the wooden ‘sidewalk’
    outside the cabins, trying to pierce the gloom. Listening intently, he finally heard something and stopped outside a block marked ‘LINEN STORE’. He listened again, picking up a regular gentle sobbing.
    The Doctor eased open the door and went inside. There, sitting on a pile of freshly-laundered sheets was Ray, dabbing her eyes. The Doctor coughed, a little embarrassed to be intruding on her privacy.
    Seeing the Doctor, Ray took a deep breath and put on a brave smile. ‘Hi, I was just... uh... I don’t know, Doctor.
    Tell me, am I being a fool? Billy didn’t even offer me a ride home. He’s never done that before. I feel so miserable Doctor.’
    The Doctor nodded his head sagely and said, ‘There’s many a slap twixt cup and lap, Ray...’
    She gave a wry smile. ‘Somehow I always thought we’d end up together. Shows how wrong you can be. Tch!
    Listen to me! What are you doing here, Doctor?’
    ‘I was hoping to find...’ he said, but cut himself off by raising a hand in warning.
    They could hear the creak of the door as it was opened and someone stealthily crept through. Ray whispered urgently ‘We’re not supposed to be in here!’ and led the Doctor behind some tall shelves, stacked with sheets, blankets and pillow cases. From their hiding place Ray and the Doctor heard the door being locked.
    Standing stock still and holding their breath they could hear someone making soft mechanical clicking noises on the other side of the shelves. The Doctor cocked his head to catch the sound more clearly. He managed to stand on a large wicker basket and peep through a gap in the top shelf.
    Keillor was holding a small transmitter in his hand. He extended the aerial and pushed the autosearch function before bringing it to his mouth. ‘Connect me with the Bannermen leader,’ he said.
    There was a burst of static hiss, then a voice came through the ether. ‘Commander Gavrok – go ahead.’
    Gavrok’s voice made Ray’s blood run cold. She had no idea what was going on, but she began to wish she had gone straight home.
    Keillor grinned evilly. ‘I believe that you’re offering a reward for the Chimeron Queen?’
    ‘Affirmative – one million units. Do you have information?’ barked Gavrok.
    ‘I have found her. Repeat, I have found her,’ said Keillor.
    ‘What is your status?’ came the disembodied voice.
    ‘I am a soldier of fortune. Now, do you want to trade or not?’ said Keillor, confident that he had Gavrok hooked.
    ‘Affirmative,’ came the reply.
    ‘She is in a place called Shangri-La, in South Wales, Western Hemisphere, Earth. Lock onto this signal to guide you in,’ said Keillor.
    ‘The reward will be yours when we arrive. End transmission,’ said Gavrok.
    The Doctor was aghast as he saw Keillor activate the flashing beacon signal on the transmitter – it wouldn’t take Gavrok long to reach Shangri-La.
    The Doctor had heard many stories of Gavrok and his violent ways. It was no wonder that Delta was acting so strangely, with someone like Gavrok after her. The Doctor suddenly realized that the shelf he was peeing over was an inch-deep in dust. He felt his nostrils fill with the fine powder, and despite his awesome self-control, he couldn’t withhold the massive sneeze which followed. Keillor stiffened and drew his weapon, staring hard in the Doctor’s direction. Cautiously, he edged his way around the shelves towards Ray and the Doctor.
    In their cabin barely 50 yards away, Delta sat at the dressing table brushing her hair. Mel sat on her bed, the silver orb beside her. Delta caught Mel’s reflection in the mirror. ‘Thank you,’ she said.
    ‘What for?’ asked Mel.
    For lending me your dress. For making an effort to be kind.’
    ‘I’d help anyone in trouble, if I could,’ said Mel.
    Delta felt desperately lonely. If only

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