Doctor Who: The Dominators

Doctor Who: The Dominators by Ian Marter Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Doctor Who: The Dominators by Ian Marter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Marter
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
exasperatedly. ‘How could they have permits? They come from another planet.’
    There was a startled pause. Then a murmur of disbelief rippled round the Chamber.
    A gaunt, hook-nosed Councillor waved a languid arm.
    ‘Nonsense. The existence of extra-Dulcian life has been conclusively disproved by the Scientific Committee.’
    A younger Councillor shook his head. ‘Not conclusively.
    It is possible that life in some form does exist elswhere,’ he argued.
    Kully grabbed an orange fruit from the nearest rack.
    ‘Listen, there’s no time for the usual three-lunar debate,’
    he snapped, biting hungrily and sending a stream of juice in all directions. ‘Can’t you understand what’s happened?
    A spacecraft has landed on the Island with aliens and robots, and they’ve killed Wahed, Tolata and Etnin!’
    The atmosphere in the Council Chamber abruptly changed. Bovem walked slowly up to Zoe and stared searchingly into her face. ‘Aliens?’ he murmured gravely.
    Zoe squirmed uncomfortably and said nothing.
    ‘Kully!’ called a thin, cultured voice. At once everyone looked round in surprise. A very tall figure with fine silver hair and a pointed beard was standing by the wall. His robe was edged with a narrow green band.
    ‘Director Senex... we were not aware...’ Bovem faltered.
    The Director raised his pale hand. ‘Quite.’ He gazed impassively at Zoe for a moment with keen blue eyes. Then he moved elegantly across to his chair. ‘I shall speak with Kully and the stranger alone,’ he announced.
    The Councillors immediately rose and Bovem led them out in respectful silence. Zoe watched in uneasy bewilderment as Senex slowly took his seat. His face seemed filled with peace, wisdom and intelligence.
    ‘Do you enjoy being treated as a clown, Kully?’ he enquired at last.
    Kully stared sulkily at his father and said nothing.
    Senex turned to Zoe.’ What were you doing on the Island?’ he said gently, glancing at her unfamiliar clothing.
    Zoe shrugged. ‘Nothing really. Just looking around.’
    Senex glared at his son. ‘How could you expose foolish innocent citizens to such danger?’ he demanded severely.
    ‘But I didn’t take Zoe...’ Kully started to protest.
    Senex waved his hand impatiently. ‘We know all about your irresponsible escapades.’
    Kully looked genuinely shocked. ‘You knew? Then why didn’t you prosecute me?’
    Senex frowned. ‘Prosecution would simply have flattered your reckless ego and it would have reflected badly upon myself.’
    Kully clutched his head in his podgy hands: ‘Why can’t I be treated as an individual instead of always as “the son of our distinguished Director”?’ he groaned despairingly.
    The Director ignored this and turned back to Zoe.
    ‘Please tell me exactly what happened,’ he requested courteously.
    Zoe took a deep breath. ‘Well, your... your worship... the Doctor and Jamie and I had just landed on the Island in the TARDIS...’
    ‘The TARDIS?’
    ‘Oh, a Time And Relative Dimensions In Space machine,’ Zoe explained.
    ‘Transcends Time and Space Field Parameters...’ added Kully helpfully.
    Senex rose angrily to his feet. ‘This game has gone quite far enough, Kully,’ he warned.
    ‘Oh, but it’s true,’ Zoe insisted, ‘ask the Doctor and Jamie. They’ll be arriving soon.’
    Senex’s noble face clouded ominously. ‘What do you hope to achieve by this elaborate play-acting, Kully?’ he demanded in outraged undertone.
    Kully could stand it no longer. He seized the loose folds of his father’s robe and almost shook him off his feet. ‘I told you the truth on the vision link,’ he shouted. ‘A spacecraft has landed. Three people have been killed.
    Radioactivity has disappeared and there are robots destroying everything in sight Now please do something before it’s too late.’
    The Director was virtually trapped face to face with his raging son. ‘And no doubt Zoe will confirm all this?’ he murmured.

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