Doctor's Baby - BWWM Romance (Doctor's Love Book 3)

Doctor's Baby - BWWM Romance (Doctor's Love Book 3) by Violet Jackson Read Free Book Online

Book: Doctor's Baby - BWWM Romance (Doctor's Love Book 3) by Violet Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Jackson
everyone, though the similarities to the one he had lost before, Meeka’s husband instantly came to mind. There was talk of a possible lawsuit, but he was more in his mind with the rest of it. He hadn’t been home and seen Meeka in almost two days. He was tired and the last thing he had expected was to see the very man that they had been fighting about in his house when he got home.
    He stood in the doorway, unnoticed by the two. Rick’s eyes took in what she was wearing and he started to see red. She never wore things like that for him, but there she was, dressed in barely there clothing, entertaining someone else. There was no green in his vision, just blinding red rage as he walked towards Johnny.
    Johnny made a startled noise seconds before Rick’s fist hit him in the face. Meeka was left stunned to watch her husband get so violent with him. She should have stopped it, but was strangely turned on by the more aggressive side of him. If she was being honest, she was getting turned on as he picked the man up by the back of his shirt and literally threw him out the door. There was a soft thud as he hit the concrete and there was a moment of pity for him on the curb.
    Rick slammed the door and then walked towards Meeka with a determined look on his face. His eyes and body tried not to respond to his wife. She was beautiful and he had never seen her look so lovely. Her cheeks were pinkish under her caramel tone and she was breathing fast. Rick could tell she was turned on and for a moment, he almost walked to her like nothing was different between them and that she wasn’t turned on by another man. The last thought stopped him in his tracks.
    “Meeka. What the fuck was he doing here and why are you half naked? Where are the kids? You had a man in my house, with the kids upstairs? What the fuck Meeka?”
    The words tumbled out of his mouth like a barrage and each one hurt more and more. Johnny had stopped by and let himself in, she could not stop that. She opened her mouth to give her defense and snapped it back shut when the other questions went through her mind.
    “The kids are at my mom’s house. I thought we could have a nice night together since last night sucked so bad. Went and got a nice outfit, waxed, hair, nails, made your favorite and guess who did not show up?”
    “So you called Johnny over when I was a little late? Well good to know that I am so easily replaced.”
    His words were filled with venom and bitterness. He was not really listening to his words, but his own words in his head.
    “A little late? It is almost midnight and you're drunk.”
    “Not drunk enough for this.”
    Rick turned around and walked away. He opened the door he had just slammed and staggered out.
    “Where are you going?!”
    Meeka ran to the door, but he was already getting into his car. He revved the engine and peeled out of the gravel parking lot, kicking up small white stones in his wake. She immediately worried about the condition he was in to drive, but there was no stopping him, he was already gone. She bent down and picked up the phone that he dropped in the scuffle with Johnny. Johnny was nowhere to be seen and she found herself thankful for one less thing to worry about. It was just too much. Meeka shut the door behind her and waited up on the couch for hours, waiting for Rick to come home. He wasn’t home by the time she passed out on the couch waiting.

Chapter 11
    When she woke up in the morning, Meeka went and checked the bedroom and for the second night in a row, it was not slept in. She sat on the bed with a heavy sigh and sat down on the soft comforter. She buried her face in the material and started to cry. The blankets smelled like him and that made her feel even worse. She didn’t understand how it had all gone so wrong and she was even less knowledgeable about how it was going to work out.
    She almost called him, before she realized that she had his phone. Unsure what to do, she got dressed

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