Dominating Amy

Dominating Amy by Emily Ryan-Davis Read Free Book Online

Book: Dominating Amy by Emily Ryan-Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Ryan-Davis
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
bit her lip, which was answer enough for him. Mac dropped his towel on the floor, pulled her purple bathrobe off its hook, took her hand, and led her into the kitchen.
    “Throw it away.” He pushed the bundle of cloth into her hands. “Turn up the heat if you get cold, but you won’t wear clothes when we are alone in our home. If you want to be seen, I’ll see you.”
    Her breath quickened and her chest flushed pink. She shook as she obeyed him and discarded the robe.
    “You hide from me too much.” He caressed the curve of her back, stroking from her nape to her hips as she bent over the trashcan. “I don’t want to play hide and seek. I want to reach out and find you where you’re supposed to be.”
    She struggled with figuring out how to hold herself after she straightened. Mac watched silently as she folded her arms across her chest only to realize what she’d done and drop them to her sides. She laced her fingers together below her navel and aborted that in the next motion. Distress pulled at her mouth and struck him with the force of a direct hit.
    “You can always hide behind me if you really need to hide,” he reminded her, trying to make the words gentle, to hide the pain of knowing she needed a reminder. “Just no more hiding from me.”
    “Will you hold me?”
    Her voice was so small he ached. “If you come to me.”
    She moved, leaning into him chest to thigh. He tried to adjust himself so he didn’t jab her with his persistent erection and hugged her close. Her soap drew him into its clean, floral bouquet. He cradled the back of her head, pressing her cheek to his shoulder. Christ, he’d missed the weight and curve of her body.
    “Now what?” The question kissed his skin.
    He shivered. “Now we figure out what’s gone wrong, and work on making it better.”
    “What if it takes too long?”
    “I promised you forever. “ He squeezed her briefly, then turned her around and nudged her toward the bedroom. “Do you want the heat up?”
    Amy paused at the thermostat on the wall between the kitchen and the bedroom, and shook her head. She eased back half a step until the head of his cock rubbed her hip, and looked back at him, over her shoulder. “I’m not cold anymore.” 
    Indecision caught and held him fast. He wanted her, but he didn’t want their relationship to turn from sexless to sex-based. Besides, the direct approach wasn’t in character for his wife. She didn’t initiate. She gave little signs, hugged and cuddled, but she didn’t turn around and rub up against his dick and say “do me,” even in a subtle fashion. Unless he read her wrong, though, that’s exactly what she had just done. The change in her was too fast, too abrupt. A single instance of taking charge and forcing her to talk to him couldn’t have spurred that kind of a transformation.
    Uncertainty cooled his arousal; his energy faded along with his erection. Between his shift, Amy’s session, and everything after, he’d been awake too long. The fingernail of sky visible between the kitchen curtains attested to the passage of time. It wasn’t storm-dark anymore. True dark had taken over.
    He took too long to respond. Amy ducked her head and half-turned toward their bedroom, wringing her hands. Shit . He didn’t want to make a poor judgment call and lose her again. If he were honest with himself, he didn’t know how to proceed anyway.
    Amy’s stomach rumbled.
    “I’m too tired and you’re hungry,” he said by way of rejecting her offer. “Call in something for delivery and come lie down with me.”
    She missed a beat responding, probably because she hadn’t expected to be turned down. He wrapped his arm around her waist and cupped her breast possessively. “Do you have any jobs scheduled tomorrow?”
    “Nothing yet. It’s my day to be on call at the agency.”
    “Cancel your day. You’re mine tomorrow, and I don’t feel like sharing.”
    “Are you going to work tonight?”

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