Don’t Deny Me: Part Two

Don’t Deny Me: Part Two by Megan Hart Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Don’t Deny Me: Part Two by Megan Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Hart
downstairs,” Alice said against his mouth. “They’ll be wondering where we got to.”
    “You don’t want to make out with me on my twin bed?” He took a few backward steps, easing her along with him.
    She followed. She let him pull her onto his lap, straddling him. The bed creaked. Alice took his face in her hands to hold him still so he’d have had to work harder to kiss her.
    “Why didn’t you ever bring anyone home before?” she asked quietly. Her eyes caught his and wouldn’t let them go, even though he wanted to look away.
    Mick had lied to plenty of women in his life, but so far, never to Alice. Looking at her now, he wondered if he’d ever want to lie to her. Or if he’d be able to, even if he tried.
    “I never felt about anyone the way I feel about you,” he told her. “Never wanted anyone to meet my family. It didn’t seem fair, you know, to bring someone around and have everyone get to like her if I didn’t have any intentions of keeping her around.”
    Alice’s smile twisted in that way she had that always told him she had his number, all right. “So, you intend to keep me around, huh?”
    “Oh, yeah. Definitely.” He rocked her hips toward him, watching for the telltale flutter of her eyelids that always gave away when she was getting turned on.
    He loved that about her. That he could do something so simple and make her react that way. That she responded to him like gas to a match, and she never pretended otherwise.
    “Alice,” Mick said suddenly. The words rose to his lips, those three words that in his experience led to nothing but the eventual end with someone storming away angry. To hurt and heartbreak. Three dumb words that now tasted like Alice did, sweet and savory and intoxicating, every single time.
    “Mick! We’re getting ready to leave!” Mary’s voice from the hallway pushed Mick and Alice apart as fast as if they’d been in high school, caught doing what they shouldn’t. Alice skipped backward to the dresser to look over the collection of rocks and shells in a tray there, while Mick adjusted his jeans on the other side of the room. His sister poked her head around the doorway. “Come say good-bye.”
    “Good-bye,” Mick said, deadpan, knowing it would make her crazy.
    Mary narrowed her eyes. “Come say good-bye to your nephews, you giant ass.”
    Alice laughed. Mary gave her an assessing look, but Alice had already passed inspection and was now safe from his sister’s disdain. She did give Mick another frown, though.
    “I’m coming,” he told her. “We’ll be down in a minute.”
    Mary didn’t budge. Mick gave her a fierce look of his own until she capitulated with a toss of her hair. That hadn’t changed much since high school, either.
    When she’d gone, he went to Alice and took her in his arms. He had to kiss her again. One more time, before he had to share her again with everyone else.
    She let him, but only for a few seconds, before she nipped his lower lip and pushed him away. “Later.”
    With his hand in hers, leading him to the doorway, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Oh, yeah. I promise.”
    * * *
    “You met his family? That’s kind of a big deal, right? How long have you been seeing this guy?” Alice’s sister Wendy coughed into the phone. “Sorry. I feel like crap. I didn’t want to miss our lunch.”
    “Better than giving me whatever you have.” Alice twirled in her desk chair, glad she’d packed a yogurt and some fruit that would take the place of the lunch she was now going to be missing. “I met him about three months ago. Going on four. Is it a big deal? I feel like it is.”
    “Meeting a guy’s family is always a big deal. Feels like it, anyway. Which reminds me, when are
going to meet him?”
    Alice laughed. “I don’t know. His family has this big Sunday dinner thing every week, it was kind of convenient and not like we had to plan something special.”
    “You don’t have to plan anything

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