Don't Touch
just seemed to fit.
I graduated high school then a month later joined the academy. I
found out I was good at it and here I am. Why a doctor?”
    He noticed the twinkle that appeared in her
eyes. “I come from a long line of them. We all took up different
specialties but all of us took the oath. I think MD is after my
name on the birth certificate.”
    She wrapped her hand around the soda can to
pour it over the ice. A flash of a Hispanic man excited, he had
just become a new dad. She let go of the can, gasping like it had
shocked her.
    “You okay?” Jackson saw something happen when
she touched the metal. Her eyes glazed over and her breathing
    Shakily she nodded. “Yeah, that wasn’t a bad
one at least. Nice to know happy gets left behind too.”
    He opened the can and poured the soda over
the ice. “Take a couple of drinks, the caffeine will help. You’ve
never had a good… vision before?”
    Ryan took the suggestion drinking with a
trembling hand. Once she recovered from the surprise she stood and
started to pace angrily. “I just can’t take much more of this.
Getting surprised every time I grab something with a view of
someone else’s life.”
    Wanting to give her some kind of comfort
Jackson grabbed the blanket off the recliner wrapped it around her
holding her close. When no visions came she leaned into the
    Ryan had forgotten what it was like to
experience tenderness. The grief she fought every night reared its
ugly head and she gave into it.
    The sobs were so wrenching Jackson just held
her to his chest as if he could take it away. “You can take it.” He
spoke softly into her hair. “The woman I watched make a hospital
bend to her will over the phone, can take it. Get pissed, throw
something, scream or cry but don’t give up Ryan.”

Chapter 5
    Getting control she pushed him away. “Stop,
don’t pity me. I can’t take any more of that. I didn’t ask for
this, I don’t want it and there is nothing I can do about it.
Instead of someone trying to understand I get pity. Poor woman, she
could have been… I’m sick of it. I’m a prisoner in my own home. Oh
God, I am going crazy.”
    He grabbed her right hand just long enough
for her to see that he did not pity her. What she felt in that
flash of emotion was genuine concern, a wish that he could find a
way to make it easier for her.
    “You don’t even know me.” She whispered.
    Jackson sighed and pulled the blanket making
her sit back at the table with him. “I could say the same. I know
enough that I can say you’ve gotten the bad end of the stick. I get
the feeling that working these cases are as important to you as
they are to me, and Tom. You help us and I’ll help you in any way I
can to get your life back. Sound good?”
    Shaking her head. “I want a life period, so
yeah it sounds good. But you don’t want to be saddled with me. You
have a life outside your front door.”
    Picking up his slice happy to find it still
somewhat warm. “Who said?” He gave her a wink. “Maybe, I’m like one
of those old rich women with their projects. You can be my project
and the cases are yours. Now eat before it gets cold.”
    “I’m not asking for someone to coddle me
    Jackson leaned back. “Who said I’m going to
coddle you. We each have a problem. I have a serial killer to catch
and you need to get back into the game. This is a tit for tat you
work to help me and I’ll return the favor. Besides I too damn broke
to pay you in cash so that’s the deal. Taking it or leaving it?
    It was obvious there would be no arguing with
him. “I’ll take it, besides pizza is only good cold for
    He laughed around another bite. “Maybe
between the two of us we can convince Thomas of that. I’m shocked
he didn’t order something with more class than pizza.”
    Despite not wanting to Ryan found herself
liking the detective. She knew better

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