Double Time

Double Time by Julie Prestsater Read Free Book Online

Book: Double Time by Julie Prestsater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Prestsater
Tags: High School
    Alex smiles and holds up a number. Three.
    He waves and closes the gap between us. “Hey, babe” is all he says before wrapping his arms around me just like old times. I haven’t felt his arms around me in months. I’m surprised that I’m not melting in them right now. Well, not entirely.
    “ Hi.” I unravel myself and move toward Ben. “What are you guys doing here?”
    “ I was going to ask you the same thing. This was supposed to be our party and then all of you guys started showing up.”
    “ Oh” is all I manage to say.
    “ Look, are you sure you still want to play?” Ben asks me. I look around and it’s as if time is standing still. People are whispering, watching this little reunion play out before their eyes.
    “ Yeah.” I sigh. “Let’s play.”
    “ Wanna shot?” he asks, taking out a flask.
    “ Yes.” I don’t hesitate. I rip the thing from his hand and take a big gulp of metallic tasting tequila. “Wow” The heat trails all the way down to my belly and I exhale a hot breath.
    “ I think everyone has found their places and we have a spinner for each group. Let the games begin so your dicks and tits can sway in the wind.” Nice. Very poetic, Frankie.
    Taking a final look at Travis before we start, I force a smile at him. And he does the same for me. This is totally awkward for everyone involved.
    The spinner acts quickly as we all plant our hands and feet in various places on the mat when Frankie calls out directions. Alex falls first after being pinned under Thelma. He kicks off a shoe.
    A few minutes later, Alex and I are almost face to face, and Ben is curled around my legs, with Thelma under him. Typical, she’s always under someone.
    “ Having fun, babe?” Alex asks me.
    My brows crumple. “Sure, but I’m not your babe.”
    “ Don’t be like that, Meggie.”
    Moving my right hand to a red circle next to my left hand leads me away from Alex’s stare. I don’t know what “that” means, but I’m not being it. It’s just… we’re not a couple anymore. I don’t see why he thinks it’s okay to call me babe. We’re done. Over. We can be friends, unless he ruins it, which seems to be the case right now.
    This time Thelma falls. She stands up straight, unbuttons her jeans, slides down the zipper, and shimmies out of her pants like she’s a regular at a strip club. What a performance. At least she’s wearing a G-string. She must get a Brazilian because she’s definitely sportin’ a hairless cat. Hairless or not, if her crack comes anywhere near my face, I quit.
    Ben’s next move places him right on top of me—his chest to my back and his cheek to mine. “Ready for another shot?”
    “ Hell, yes,” I tell him.
    “ Okay, on the count of three, we’ll both fall, take a shot, take off a shoe, and get back in the game.”
    “ Deal.”
    On three, we both fall on the mat laughing. I unlace one of my Chucks while Ben takes off his hoodie. He takes a drink and then passes it to me. I swig again, and we get back to it.
    This isn’t so bad. At least Keesh is still fully dressed. I notice Josh is missing a shoe and a sock. I think Travis is shoeless and I can’t get a good look at Licha. Dang it.
    When we’re face to face again, Ben passes the time between moves by asking about Travis. “Looks like you two are talking again.”
    “ Yeah. Things are much better.”
    “ Good,” he tells me before making his next move.
    Just when I think this game could go on forever, Thelma gets trapped and can’t make another move without falling. Surprisingly, she’s unwilling to take off her G, and she exits the game.
    “ Looks like it’s just little old me and you two boys,” I tell them.
    “ Actually, it’s just us,” Alex says. “Only a guy and girl move on. So you’re in. But don’t worry, babe, I got this.” He winks at me. His arrogance is really starting to piss me off.
    “ Let’s go, Ben. Kick ass,” I shout. He better not fall or I’m going to kick his

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