suitcase in lieu of rent, curse him! We have got to
make a vigorous move.’
‘All right. But what can we do? It seems to me that the
only thing is to pawn our overcoats and get some food.’
‘We’ll do that, of course, but I must get my possessions
out of this house first. To think of my photographs being
seized! Well, my plan is ready. I’m going to forestall the Jew
and shoot the moon myself. F—— LE CAMP—retreat, you
understand. I think that is the correct move, eh?’
‘But, my dear Boris, how can you, in daytime? You’re
bound to be caught.’
‘Ah well, it will need strategy, of course. Our PATRON
is on the watch for people slipping out without paying their
rent; he’s been had that way before. He and his wife take it in
turns all day to sit in the office— what misers, these French-
men! But I have thought of a way to do it, if you will help.’
I did not feel in a very helpful mood, but I asked Boris
what his plan was. He explained it carefully.
‘Now listen. We must start by pawning our overcoats.
First go back to your room and fetch your overcoat, then
come back here and fetch mine, and smuggle it out under
cover of yours. Take them to the pawnshop in the rue des
Down and Out in Paris and London
Francs Bourgeois. You ought to get twenty francs for the
two, with luck. Then go down to the Seine bank and fill your
pockets with stones, and bring them back and put them in
my suitcase. You see the idea? I shall wrap as many of my
things as I can carry in a newspaper, and go down and ask
the PATRON the way to the nearest laundry. I shall be very
brazen and casual, you understand, and of course the PA-
TRON will think the bundle is nothing but dirty linen.
Or, if he does suspect anything, he will do what he always
does, the mean sneak; he will go up to my room and feel
the weight of my suitcase. And when he feels the weight of
stones he will think it is still full. Strategy, eh? Then after-
wards I can come back and carry my other things out in my
‘But what about the suitcase?’
‘Oh, that? We shall have to abandon it. The miserable
thing only cost about twenty francs. Besides, one always
abandons something in a retreat. Look at Napoleon at the
Beresina! He abandoned his whole army.’
Boris was so pleased with this scheme (he called it UNE
RUSE DE GUERRE) that he almost forgot being hungry. Its
main weakness—that he would have nowhere to sleep after
shooting the moon—he ignored.
At first the RUSE DE GUERRE worked well. I went home
and fetched my overcoat (that made already nine kilometres,
on an empty belly) and smuggled Boris’s coat out success-
fully. Then a hitch occurred. The receiver at the pawnshop,
a nasty, sour-faced, interfering, little man—a typical French
official—refused the coats on the ground that they were not
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wrapped up in anything. He said that they must be put ei-
ther in a valise or a cardboard box. This spoiled everything,
for we had no box of any kind, and with only twenty-five
centimes between us we could not buy one.
I went back and told Boris the bad news. ‘MERDE!’ he
said, ‘that makes it awkward. Well, no matter, there is al-
ways a way. We’ll put the overcoats in my suitcase.’
‘But how are we to get the suitcase past the PATRON?
He’s sitting almost in the door of the office. It’s impossible!’
‘How easily you despair, MON AMI! Where is that Eng-
lish obstinacy that I have read of? Courage! We’ll manage
it.’ Boris thought for a little while, and then produced an-
other cunning plan. The essential difficulty was to hold
the PATRON’s attention for perhaps five seconds, while we
could slip past with the suitcase. But, as it happened, the
PATRON had just one weak spot—that he was interested
in LE SPORT, and was ready to talk if you approached him
on this subject. Boris read an article about bicycle races in
an old copy of the PETIT