Dragon Fire

Dragon Fire by Dina von Lowenkraft Read Free Book Online

Book: Dragon Fire by Dina von Lowenkraft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina von Lowenkraft
bodyguard, jumped in. His fight wasn’t with them.
    “Well, that was entertaining,” said T’eng Sten, clapping. “I see that Yarlung and Khotan have at least trained you to fight. Unfortunately, it would appear that they have neglected the rest of your upbringing. Your manners are appalling.”
    “Why are you here?” growled Dvara from the doorway where she stood, her fists clenched.
    “Greetings Kairök T’eng Sten,” Rakan said, gathering his wits and placing himself between Dvara and T’eng Sten. “Accept my apologies. I was surprised to see another dragon in our home. May I ask why you honor us with your presence?” Rakan didn’t bow as he should have done according to dragon Code. He faced T’eng Sten as if they were equals.
    T’eng Sten jumped up from the couch as nimbly as a gymnast in spite of his massive build. His long indigo overcoat flowed around him like a cloak and his bare chest gleamed like armor underneath. It was another one of T’eng Sten’s new traditions. No male dragon from any of the other Cairns wore anything but the fluid black pants that were perfect for fighting. “You’d be an interesting addition to my Cairn,” he said, standing only inches away from Rakan who didn’t flinch, “if I hadn’t already placed my claim on your sister.” T’eng Sten went around Rakan and walked towards Dvara. “For obvious reasons.”
    “That doesn’t answer my question.”
    “Ah, but it does.” T’eng Sten fixed the broken table with a wave of his hand. “Ask your sister.”
    “Dvara?” asked Rakan, wondering if there was something he didn’t know about. He had never liked T’eng Sten’s flamboyant disrespect for the traditional ways of the Red Planet but he could understand that Dvara might prefer him to any of the others. He was the youngest of the Kairöks. And one of the youngest dragons to have survived the destruction of the Red Planet after the war started by Paaliaq when she attacked Kraal.
    “Greetings, Kairök T’eng Sten.” Dvara bowed her head, ignoring Rakan’s question. “We did not expect you. To what do we owe the honor of your visit?”
    “You know why I’m here. You once promised me something that I can now claim.”
    Dvara tilted her chin defiantly. “That promise was extracted from me.”
    “That’s not my memory of it,” said T’eng Sten. He touched her cheek gently.
    Dvara growled and threw a strike to his solar plexus. T’eng Sten grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her, pulling her against him.
    Rakan moved to help his sister, but Kakivak and Angalaan stopped him.
    “So much fire,” T’eng Sten crooned. “I like that in a dragon. Especially one I intend to mate with.”
    “I’m not free to be claimed,” hissed Dvara, turning her face away from his.
    “Ah, but you are,” T’eng Sten said. He released her but kept her hand in his. He passed his other hand above it, revealing her vermillion dragon form, her white claws flashing like diamonds. “This, my desirable mate, is all I need to know. Your white claws show that you are free. You no longer wear Khotan’s burgundy. You have been given back your rök.”
    “I’m not free,” she said, yanking her hand back.
    “Why not? Who else’s fire have you stood in?” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to his chest, his indigo Maii-a glowing. “I can take you right now, if I want to.” He leaned forward and bit her neck. “You’re so ripe. So ready for me.”
    Dvara groaned and leaned into him, her black school clothes transforming into a long vermillion dress as she melted into his embrace.
    “Give me your rök,” said T’eng Sten softly. His hands slid down to her hips.
    “I can’t,” Dvara said, her respiration coming in short breaths.
    T’eng Sten growled and flung her onto the couch. “I hate games, Dvara. I want you. Now.” He towered over her. “I’ve already waited too long.”
    “I have no choice,” Dvara answered, without looking at T’eng Sten.

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