Dragon of the Red Dawn: A Merlin Mission

Dragon of the Red Dawn: A Merlin Mission by Mary Pope Osborne Read Free Book Online

Book: Dragon of the Red Dawn: A Merlin Mission by Mary Pope Osborne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne
Tags: Ages 6 and up
back and followed her.
As Jack and Annie started through the chilly woods together, Jack noticed things he hadn’t seen before. He saw tiny blue wild-flowers sprouting up from the winter-weary ground.
He saw fresh anthills in the dirt.
He saw leaf buds on twigs and green moss on a rock, bright in the March sunlight.
“I feel like I’m seeing spring for the first time,” said Jack.
“Me too,” said Annie.
“Not just for the first time this year,” said Jack. “But for the first time in my whole life.”

“Me too,” said Annie.
Jack felt happy, really happy, as he and Annie headed for home in the sparkling morning light.

T he poet Basho was born in Japan in 1644. His family wanted him to grow up to be a samurai. But when he was a young man, he decided to write poetry instead.
Basho was poor and unknown for many years. Gradually, though, people started to read his poetry and, over time, he became very famous! His poetry fans built him a small house near the river Sumida. A student gave him a banana tree— basho , in Japanese—to plant in his yard. In 1682, Basho’s house was destroyed by a fire thatswept through Edo . (Edo was often in danger from fires because the buildings were made of wood. As mentioned in this story, a terrible fire in 1657 had burned nearly all the city!)
A new house was built for Basho, but he did not live there for long. In 1684, he began the first of his journeys around Japan. Basho even wrote a book about his travels called The Narrow Road to the Deep North , in which he combined journal writing and poetry.
The form of poetry that Basho is famous for is called haiku (say HI -koo). It is the shortest form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poetry is written in plain speech and often describes humble things of everyday life. At first, haiku poetry seems very simple, but it can have a deep effect on a reader. A good haiku poem can waken your senses and help you see life in a fresh way—like it did for Jack, Annie, and the other people in this story.

Here’s a special preview of
Magic Tree House #38
(A Merlin Mission)
Monday with a Mad Genius

    Available now!
    Excerpt copyright © 2007 by Mary Pope Osborne.
Published by Random House Children's Books,
a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

J ack poured milk over his cereal. His stomach felt fluttery. It was Monday—the first day of a new school year.
    Jack always felt nervous on the first day. What would his new teacher be like? Would his desk be close to a window? Would friends from last year be in his class again this year?
    “Annie, hurry!” Jack’s mom called upstairs. “It’s fifteen minutes till eight. School starts in half an hour.”
    Jack’s dad walked into the kitchen. “Are yousure you and Annie don’t want me to drive you?” he asked.
    “No thanks, we don’t mind walking,” said Jack. Their school was only three blocks away.
    “Annie, hurry !” their mom called again. “You’re going to be late!”
    The back door banged open. Annie rushed into the kitchen. She was out of breath.
    “Oh, I thought you were upstairs,” their mom said with surprise. “You were outside?”
    “Yes!” said Annie, panting. “Just taking a quick walk.” She looked at Jack. Her eyes sparkled. “Hurry, Jack. We really should go now !”
    “Okay, I’m coming!” said Jack. He leapt up from the table. He could tell Annie wasn’t talking about school. The tree house must be back! Finally!
    Jack grabbed his backpack. Annie held the door open for him.
    “No breakfast?” their mom asked.
    “Too nervous to eat now, Mom,” said Jack.
    “Have fun,” their mom said.
    “Learn a lot,” said their dad.
    “Don’t worry, we will!” said Annie.
    Jack and Annie slipped out the door and walked quickly across their yard.
    “It’s back!” said Annie.
    “I figured it was!” said Jack.
    “Morgan must want us to look for another secret of happiness to help Merlin,” said Annie.
    “Yep!” said Jack. “Let’s run!”
    Jack and

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