Drawn to a Vampire

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Book: Drawn to a Vampire by Kathryn Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Drake
now I’ve met you.  How long are you staying for?”  He looked worried.
    “We’ll see,” I said, trying to make my eyes twinkle at him – and trying to maintain a sense of mystery – and not seem too desperate for his attention!  Not that I really needed to play it cool – he sure wasn’t.
    “I want to kiss you again,” he said.
    “Kiss me,” I replied, and he climbed on top of me and we made love slowly, seductively, passionately.  It was luscious.  I felt treasured.  He made me feel special, the way he worshipped my body.  I felt like a beautiful woman, he made me feel that way with his kisses and looks, he made me feel wide open, unafraid.
    When we were finished with the physical acts, we lay next to each other, and the sky cleared.  Lying there, at his side, it felt so intimate, more so than the physical intimacy.  Luca graced my mind, but I pushed him away, thinking of this man by my side, this man who right now I was the centre of his world.
    He turned on his side and faced me.  His skin glowed in the fire light, and goose bumps ran up his arms.  “I want to know everything about you,” he said.
    “Everything, huh?  Where would you like me to start?”
    He made me feel open, and I wanted to tell him the truth, but a wave of worry crept into my mind.  How much could I tell him, how much should I?  Could I trust him?  Would it be dangerous to tell him the truth?
    “What’s a girl like you doing camping on your own?”
    “In case you hadn’t noticed this,” I said, “you are camping on your own, too!”
    “True,” he said, smiled, and winked.  “But I’ve told you my reasons for that – I’m ‘finding myself’.  Is that what you’re doing?”
    “Kind of, I guess … I am.  Or losing myself.  I couldn’t carry on where I was.…”
    “How come?”
    “Things got difficult … I was bored … I wasn’t feeling anything.  I decided it was time for a change.”  I shrugged.  “And here I am.”
    He regarded me, his eyes serious, and I suspected he didn’t believe I was telling him the whole truth.
    “We have that in common then,” he said.  He looked sad, almost mournful.  “Where do you come from?”
    “This neck of the woods.  I was studying in Exeter … before … before I left.  How about you?”  I said, trying to shift the attention away from me.  “Where are you from?”
    “Ontario,” he said, and when I frowned he looked amused, and added, “Canada.”
    “I’m useless at accents, sorry,” I said, blushing.  “I should have figured.  What’s it like being so far from home?”
    He shrugged, and then grinned at me.  “It was lonely, until I met you … and now … well … it’s also freeing.  I feel different here, away from anyone who knows me.  I feel more myself than I have in a long time.”
    I leaned forwards and kissed him.  His lips parted and he pulled my body against his.  He kissed me gently, teasing me with subtle movements of his tongue, then he grabbed my lip between his teeth and sucked.
    “Umm,” I said, contracting my hips toward his.  He slid his hand up my inner thigh and down, back down to my knee, then up again, and he stroked around my upper legs, then he started to rub a finger against my clitoris, and he inserted a finger inside me, making me squirm and wriggle.  His kisses got deeper and harder, and more passionate.  I lost all sense of where we were, or who I was.  Lost to him.  As he pushed his erection inside me I let out a feral gasp, and my tooth sliced his lip. 
    He gasped, too, and warm blood, human blood, dripped into my mouth.  It tasted fucking good, filled with a whole new level of energy and life force.  It tasted exquisite after the animal blood I’d been sustaining myself on.  Lost in the moment I sucked his lip, for a second he struggled, confused, and probably in pain.  But then I guess my pheromones affected him, and he gave himself to me, feeling euphoric.  He entered me again and

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