
Dray by Tess Oliver Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Dray by Tess Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tess Oliver
four or five more times before I left, but it never bothered me because every time her concern and interest were as genuine as if she’d asked it for the first time.
    “Nana, my dad died today.” Why was it so hard to say, I wondered. The man had ruined my life and yet saying it aloud caused my throat to constrict.
    She took hold of my hand with both her hands now. They were soft and caring. Nana had never been afraid to shower her affection on Clutch and me. Spending time with Nana had always reminded me how much I’d missed growing up with dysfunctional parents. Clutch had always felt the same connection with her. While his parents weren’t nearly as vile as mine, they never seemed to care what the hell he was up to, and they’d never appreciated how great he was at business and making money.
    “Maybe the man is finally at peace, Dray. He lived such a tense, violent life and now he can rest.”
    I nodded.
    “How is your mom doing?”
    I took a deep breath, but it didn’t relieve the tightness in my throat. “I haven’t called her yet.”
    Nana looked puzzled, and I realized that she’d probably forgotten about my mom’s abrupt departure to Florida. “My mom left my dad. She is living in Florida with her sister. I’ll call her soon.”
    “I always wondered why she’d stayed with him so long.” she said as if she hadn’t meant to say it aloud. Her eyes rounded and she looked slightly embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say things like that.”
    “Please, Nana, it’s fine. You knew well enough that he was a man who earned a lot of bad karma in his life. You used to say it all the time, and you were right. And I guess it caught up to him. He died alone.” I’d always loved Nana’s way of saying exactly what she meant, and it had always been wise and spot on, like her last remark. Growing up, I’d wanted more than anything for my mom to leave my dad. I would have lived out on the streets if it had meant not living with him. But she hadn’t worked up the courage until I’d moved out on my own. By then, my dad was too scared to ever lift his fist to me. And, as much as I hated the man, I’d never lifted a fist toward him. This last year, after Mom left, it had finally dawned on him that he’d been a terrible husband and father. He’d tried in his own pathetic way to make it up to me. He’d helped me get my first job on the docks, and when I visited we actually talked like two human beings. There was still no emotional connection and sometimes the civility felt forced, but we managed to hold conversations where neither of us were yelling.
    The nurse poked her head into the room. “Five minutes left for visitors.”
    Nana looked down at my hand that she held almost as if she was seeing it there for the first time in that moment. “What a nice surprise to have you visit, Dray. What are you doing these days?” She glanced at the door. “Alexander didn’t come with you?”
    “Not tonight, Nana. I came alone because I wanted to see my favorite person.”
    She smiled and squeezed my hand. “How is that sweet girl you sometimes bring to see me?”
    She didn’t remember many new people who walked through the door, but she’d immediately taken a liking to Cassie. “She’s going to New York to take pictures.”
    “How exciting. New York is wonderful. I traveled there several times when I was working for the university. So much to see and do.” Her eyes glittered as if she’d been taken back into one of her long ago memories. It happened to her a lot. It seemed to be a way to hold on to who she was.
    I stood and leaned over to kiss her again. She peered up at me with a smile and then her face softened to one of concern. “Dray, what is wrong? You don’t seem yourself tonight.”
    I squeezed her hand and then released it. “I’m fine, Nana. Sleep tight.”
    “Even though he doesn’t truly deserve my salutations, be sure to say hello to your dad next time you see him,” she called to me

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