Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2)

Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) by Darlene Kuncytes Read Free Book Online

Book: Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) by Darlene Kuncytes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Kuncytes
all common sense disappeared in an instant. He had always prided himself of his self-restraint, but that didn’t seem to be the case when it came to the lovely hunter.
    All he needed to do was to just sit his ass next door and keep watch on her. Make certain that she was safe. He didn’t need to spend time with her. He didn’t need to make nice. But, damn it, he thought with an irritated grunt…he wanted to! There was also a very large part of him that wanted to know everything about her and he just couldn’t seem to fight it.

    Cam was staring out at the ocean lost in his thoughts when she came back carrying two steaming mugs. She handed him one and sat back down, digging into the basket and snagging one of the croissants with what looked to him to be unrestrained glee. She handed it to him and grabbed another, taking a bite and moaning in appreciation. Yep. Glee.
    The sound hit him like a kick straight to the gut. He took a sip of his coffee and fought hard not to spit it back out as his gag reflex kicked in. It was God awful! Actually, that was being generous! It was absolute swill!
    He chanced a glance at her and saw her grimace as she took her own sip. She looked at him apologetically and shrugged.
    “Sorry, I’m not so great in the kitchen.”
    Cam burst out laughing. He set his mug down on the deck beside him and grinned. “No, I guess not,” he snorted in amusement.
    He watched her a moment as she ate her pastry with gusto, her eyes rolling back in her head as she did, and to say that it was a freaking turn on was a sever understatement. It had his blood racing through his veins like nothing ever had before!
    When she finally finished, she proceeded to lick her fingers and Cam felt that ever present rush of electricity run across him as his body responded instantly. To the point that he was sure that he would explode into a pile of ash at her feet. Easy there, big boy.
    He gave himself a quick, stern, mental shake and stood. “You feel up to a hike?” he asked.
    She seemed to hesitate a moment, her eyes gleaming slightly with what could only be described as excitement most likely at the thought of some physical activity, and finally nodded. He knew that she was wound tight. That it was hard for her to sit dormant. The life of a hunter was constantly moving around. Tracking, cornering, and fighting your prey, and she had to be going stir crazy. He also knew that he should stay away from her, but found that he just couldn’t. He wanted to see that small gleam of excitement in her eyes. He just wanted to spend some time with her.
    “That would be…great.” She slipped from the chair and stood, turning to face him. “Let me go grab my running shoes.” She disappeared back through the door and Cam couldn’t help the smile that touched his lips.
    “Jesus. What in the hell are you doing here, Stark?” he questioned himself softly.

    They hiked through the dense jungle for most of the morning, talking easily, and Victoria found that she really enjoyed being with this man. He was so damned easy to talk to that it was frightening. It was as if she had known him her entire life. He made the conversation easy and interesting and she found that he was actually quite intelligent and not as arrogant as she had first suspected. As much as she fought to admit it, she had to. The man was actually very nice.
    They reached a small clearing and Cam stopped, looking around with a contented smile. “God, it’s so peaceful here,” he commented, giving her a quick glance.
    She looked around at their surroundings and nodded, watching as the small monkeys jumped in the trees above their heads, chattering away happily, and she had to agree. It had been years since she had felt so…relaxed.
    “It really is amazing,” she murmured.

    Cam watched her silently as she looked around in pure appreciation and once again found himself wondering if she ever smiled…or laughed for that matter. She seemed so damned tormented. He

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