Dream Cottage

Dream Cottage by Harriet J Kent Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Dream Cottage by Harriet J Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harriet J Kent
    “Are you all right, my dear?” Rev Oli was concerned over Greta’s emotional state.
    “She’s fine, Reverend. A little overcome, I believe. Greta can be very emotional; particularly over something she takes a shine to,” Max reassured Rev Oli.
    “Oh, I thought you were disappointed with the state of the place and that its condition upset you. Right, in that case, let’s go outside and I will show you the stables and the grounds. Follow me, please!” he indicated towards the staircase.
    Greta hung back with Max and hissed in his ear.
    “Stables and grounds! What do you think?” Her eyes were wide with excitement.
    Max paused.
    “Well, it does need some serious renovation work and some equally serious money spending on it. From what I have been able to see in this poor light and in the amount of time we’ve spent here, there’s a problem with damp in most of the rooms. That will need to be dealt with by the professionals. Then re-plastered with numerous tweaks and treatments, I am assuming it has woodworm, judging by some of the rotting floorboards. Then there is the redecoration; every room will need to be decorated; newcarpets. The kitchen is way out of date, that will need to be replaced. What else?” Max waited for the response.
    “So, it is doable then?” Greta held her breath and smiled.
    Again Max paused; he smiled at Greta’s unbounded innocent enthusiasm.
    “Well, yes, I suppose it is; but the money has got to be right, Greta. This will need some serious thoughts; about my job, money… if you want this to work… we will have to sit down and plan everything out. What will you do about your job? Lots to think about.”
    Greta took this as a green light.
    “Oh Max, I do love you! Thank you! Thank you!” she grabbed a hold of his face with both hands and planted a very large kiss on his lips.
    “Come on; let’s have a look at these outbuildings and grounds. Hurry, don’t keep Rev Oli waiting!”
    Reverend Oli was stood in the back gardens looking up into the sky over the roof of the cottage. He appeared to be watching the sun setting over the downs.
    “How old is Greenacres?” asked Greta as she walked over to where he was stood gazing at the gathering of crows around the chimney pots.
    “I believe it to be around 400 years old, my dear, give or take a few years. But it has stood the test of time, survived numerous wars, storms and freezing cold winters and no doubt will continue to do so. Here are the stables, the barn and the fields. There are around ten acres in all. Not had much done to them in the last few years; just sheep grazing to keep the grass down to a manageable level. No active agriculture though.”
    “Ten acres!” exclaimed Greta. “Crikey; that’s a lot of ground.”
    “Not for your modern day farmer; but for a hobbyist,which I assume you will be, it is quite suitable and easily manageable.” Rev Oli turned to gauge Greta’s reaction. He was met with a huge beam.
    “It’s perfect; everything, it’s just perfect; we love it, don’t we Max?” She looked over to Max who was walking around in the barn. He scuffed through piles of dusty straw and smiled when he saw a collection of old and equally dusty vintage tractors stored at the back. Max rejoined them.
    “I must say the cottage is exactly what we are looking for. Would you consider selling Greenacres, Reverend?”
    “Well, having seen your reaction to the property this afternoon, I will have to say yes, I would be interested in selling to you. But if I do sell, it needs to be a swift transaction.”
    “May we discuss figures?” Max went in for the kill.
    “I have had Greenacres valued, not long ago and the estate agent gave me a figure of around £450,000; but I would consider an offer, in these times of austerity et al. Church fabric funds need a bit of a boost, don’t you know. Always something in need of repair, be it the woodwork or the masonry. Would that fit in with your plans,

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