Dream On

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Book: Dream On by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
stay in the moment and quit worrying about things she had no control over. Certainly a new and improved version of herself, that was certain. But why not?
    Jack wasn’t going to stay. He was here to wine her, dine her and give her screaming orgasms for as long as he deigned to remain. She was going to sit back and let him. Hell, for all she knew she could still be dreaming. If she was, then she could do anything, be anything, act any way she wanted to and it wouldn’t matter in the light of day what had happened in her dreams.
    “Dance with me.”
    When was the last time they’d danced together? He stood and held out his hand. Smiling, she slipped her palm against his and followed him onto the dance floor. Their favorite song played, an old fifties song about romance and finding the love of your life. As she stared into the unfathomable eyes of the man she’d loved forever, her heart clenched and tears pooled in her eyes.
    “I’ve missed you, Jack,” she finally admitted out loud. “So much.”
    Jaci Burton
    He allowed her a fleeting glimpse of the pain in his eyes before he shielded them and smiled. “I’ve missed you too, Katie. I’ve thought of you every day, every night, wishing I could go back and change everything. I would, you know, if I could.”
    She believed him. “I know. It’s enough that you’re here now. Let’s not talk about what neither of us can change.”
    He nodded and pulled her against him, her softness against his rock-hard solid strength. More than anything, she missed this feeling of protectiveness, of knowing nothing bad could happen to her as long as Jack held her in his arms. They swayed together, oblivious to the other couples dancing around them. Kate laid her head on his shoulder, absorbing his scent, the comforting strength of his hard chest against her breast and the feel of his body under her hands. Time suspended, memories washing over her so fast she couldn’t keep up with the visions coursing through her mind. From the beginning…the first time he kissed her, the first time they made love, their wedding, the birth of the boys…everything came rushing back to her. At that moment she knew exactly what she wanted.
    “Take me home, Jack. Make love to me.”
    He drew back and searched her face, his eyes turning dark. He nodded and led her to the car. The drive home was made in silence, but he held her hand the entire time, his thumb rubbing against her fingers.
    Kate watched the way his hand moved over hers, memorizing every stroke of his thumb, committing the feel of his touch to memory. Before, she hadn’t been prepared for his departure. This time she would be. Like a clock ticking in her head, she knew the countdown had started. Somehow, part of her knew that her time with Jack was fleeting.
    Maybe that was part of this dream. Spending nights with him, letting her imagination run wild into scenarios of “what if”, trying out how she’d react if he ever really did come back to her. The safe haven of her imagination allowed her to break free of the anger and hurt and truly live again in the arms of the man she loved. 44
    Dream On
    Jack pulled up in front of the house, turned off the ignition and got out, making his way to her side of the car. Everything that happened after that seemed like a slowmotion play on a movie. He opened the door, lifted her out with both hands, then swept her into his arms, taking the steps two at a time. She tilted her head back and laughed when he stood on the porch and twirled her around in circles. She was dizzy, ecstatic and crazy in love with him. Unlocking the chains around her heart made her soar with freedom again. Even if this was a dream, it was a catharsis, a reawakening she’d desperately needed.
    Nudging the door open with his shoulder, he kicked it closed with his foot, driving his mouth down hard against hers as soon as she heard the click of the door lock. She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer,

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