Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True by Linda Chapman Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Dreams Come True by Linda Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Chapman
    Lauren got up and put her empty cereal bowl in the dishwasher. ‘I’m going to get Twilight ready,’ she announced.
    The April sun was shining as she stepped outside and the new leaves on the trees looked green and fresh. Lauren breathed in deeply and ran down the path that led from the house to the paddock. Twilight was waiting at the gate. He whinnied when he saw her.
    ‘Hi, fella,’ Lauren said, climbing over

    the gate. ‘I bet you’d like some breakfast.’
    Twilight nuzzled her. Snapping the leadrope on to his head-collar, Lauren led him up to his stable and fetched him some pony nuts in a bucket. As he ate, she looked at her watch. Eight-fifteen. That meant she had an hour to groom him before she and her dad had to leave for the Cassidys’ house.
    Half an hour later, Lauren stepped back to admire her handiwork. Twilight’s scruffy grey coat was looking much cleaner, his hooves gleamed from the hoof oil and his newly washed tail was almost dry.
    ‘You look loads better,’ Lauren declared. He whickered in agreement.
    ‘Buddy! Come back!’
    Hearing her brother’s cry, Lauren looked round. Buddy was galloping down the path towards her, his black ears flopping, his enormous white paws thudding on the grass. Max tore after him.
    ‘Buddy! Careful!’ Lauren gasped, as the puppy headed straight for the bucket of water. Buddy tried to stop but he was too late. He crashed into it, sending the dirty suds flying up into the air.
    Twilight snorted and jumped back to the end of his rope, but the contents of the bucket splashed all over him.
    ‘Buddy!’ Lauren exclaimed. She swung round to Max. He was standing on the path, his hand fixed to his mouth, his blue eyes wide with shock. ‘Max!’ she cried.
    ‘I’m sorry, I’m really sorry,’ Max said. ‘I opened the back door and Buddy just ran off down the path. I couldn’t stop him, Lauren.’
    Lauren sighed. It was no use getting annoyed with Max. It wasn’t his fault that Buddy was so clumsy. ‘It’s OK,’ she said. ‘I guess I’ll just have to groom Twilight again.’
    ‘I’ll help you,’ Max offered.
    Lauren took a towel from the grooming box and handed it to Max. ‘Thanks,’ she said.
    ‘Look at Buddy,’ Max said suddenly.
    Lauren looked at the puppy. He was crawling on his tummy towards Twilight, his ears pricked up, his tail wagging like crazy. ‘Woof!’ he said, jumping back. ‘Woof! Woof!’ He sat up and cocked his head on one side.
    ‘What’s he doing?’ Max said in surprise.
    ‘I don’t know,’ Lauren said with a frown. She tried to move the puppy away, but Buddy just kept staring at Twilight. He seemed fascinated. Lauren felt worried. Could Buddy somehow sense that Twilight wasn’t a normal pony? She got hold of Buddy’s collar again. ‘Here, Max. Maybe you should take him back to the house. Twilight might stand on him by mistake if he gets too close.’
    ‘But what about helping you?’ Max said, looking disappointed.
    ‘I’ll manage,’ Lauren replied quickly. She saw Max’s mouth open as if to argue. ‘We don’t want Buddy to get hurt, do we?’
    ‘No,’ Max said, taking Buddy’s collar.
    As he dragged Buddy back to the house, Lauren bit her lip. If Buddy acted like that in front of her mum and dad, they were bound to get suspicious. She looked at Twilight. He was staring after Buddy, and Lauren was sure he looked concerned.
    At nine-fifteen, Lauren rode out of Granger’s Farm with her father walking beside Twilight. They headed for Goose Creek Farm. It wasn’t far and they were soon walking down the drive towards the house. The back door opened and a tall man with black hair came out on to the veranda.
    ‘Mike!’ he said, coming forward to greet Mr Foster. ‘Hi. And this must be Lauren. Mel can’t wait to meet you. She’s with Shadow at the moment – that’s her pony. Come on, I’ll show you round to the paddock.’
    Lauren rode after him. As they reached the back of the house, she saw a

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