Driving Me to Christmas (London Loves Book 5)

Driving Me to Christmas (London Loves Book 5) by Julie Farrell Read Free Book Online

Book: Driving Me to Christmas (London Loves Book 5) by Julie Farrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Farrell
well-groomed. Her brown hair was immaculate and straight, which probably took hours to perfect, as well as a small fortune to maintain. Sam’s hair was wavy, and she hardly spent any time on it at all. She reached up and twisted her long tresses through her fingers, hoping to curl them into some sort of style.
    The three Americans turned to face the noisy car, and Verlaine threw them a wave, which enticed them over. He parked and climbed out to greet his mum who hugged him tightly. Sam clambered out onto the chilly gravel driveway, feeling like a spare part. She suddenly felt shy, and she stood protectively behind the open car door, using it like a shield. Verlaine inadvertently turned his back on Sam, as he draped his arm over Patty’s shoulders to make way for a father/son handshake with Jim.
    Jim patted him heartily on the shoulder. “Great to see you, son.”
    It was cold standing out here and Sam wanted to go inside to get some tea, but she didn’t feel confident enough to speak; so she loitered behind the open car door, watching as Rebecca squealed and threw her arms around Verlaine. Rebecca was dressed in tight-fitting jeans and an expensive designer jacket. Sam felt scruffy and cheap in her tracksuit pants and duffle coat. Self-consciousness dug into her as she stood there alone, watching everyone else so happy and emotional. She wanted her mum. She wanted Scott to tell her how amazing he thought she was. It was like one of those bad dreams where you’ve gone onstage and forgotten your lines and everyone’s staring at you. Except, of course, no one was taking any notice of Sam at all.
    Eventually, Verlaine started to turn towards her, so she stood tall and smiled, ready to say hello.
    Her heart dissolved into mush as Verlaine said, “Well, Bex, what do you think of the T-bird?”
    Rebecca squealed excitedly again. “It’s awesome, Verlaine! What is it, fifty-eight?”
    “Nine,” he said.
    Sam watched as Verlaine reached inside the driver’s door and popped the hood. He strode around and opened it, then peered inside, as if the meaning of life might be found in there.
    Verlaine, Jim, and Rebecca started to chat about the ‘awesome’ car, so Patty broke away and stepped over to greet Sam.
    In a nervous panic to please her future mother-in-law, Sam quickly slammed the car door, almost trapping Patty’s arm as she reached out to hug her. Sam giggled nervously and then hugged Patty gratefully.
    “Nice to see you, Patty.”
    “Oh, Sam, it’s wonderful to see you, honey! You’re looking well! How’s business going? You still working with Paul?”
    “Yeah. I guess it could be going better. But we’ll get there.”
    “Aw, sure you will. And how’s your sister? Verlaine said she’s almost due! I’m really looking forward to spending some time with you over the next few days – I know Christmas can be hard for you since you lost your parents, you poor girl.”
    Sam smiled thinly. “Yeah. It can be.”
    “Oh, you’re such a quiet thing, aren’t you? You must think Americans are so brash, but I’ve lived there since I was a teenager, and honestly, they’re some of the sweetest people you could ever hope to meet! Moving to Michigan was the best thing that ever happened to me – much better than staying here in stuffy old England!”
    Sam was only half-listening; her eyes were glued to Verlaine and Rebecca. They were chatting now like reunited best friends – which they sort of were. They’d grown up together in Michigan, and apparently both sets of parents had always assumed they’d end up together. And it seemed Rebecca was a car nut – something Verlaine had failed to mention.
    “Where’s Rebecca’s mum?” Sam asked, for something to say.
    “Oh, she’s just gone off to make a phone call,” Patty said. “Business, you know. She’s a great businesswoman – real estate. Always working.”
    Sam’s attention was grasped as Rebecca squealed for a third time. “Disc brakes rather than

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