Early Byrd

Early Byrd by Phil Geusz Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Early Byrd by Phil Geusz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phil Geusz
Tags: adventure, Rebellion, postapocalyptic, Aliens, first contact, guns, space, phil, geusz, artemu
finally agreed. "I can see it
now, I think."
    "Good," Li replied. "Then from now on, we're
all three of us going to pretend we're Artemu, in this one way at
least. Whenever the class holds each other’s heads, we shall line
up and do the same. I consider this an important lesson. So . . ." He smiled and held out
his hands just like Rapput. "Come and be rewarded!"
    We were rewarded half a dozen more times
before the session ended, a short school day due to our impending
flight off-world. It still felt pretty weird to both Tim and I,
especially for me all the way down at the bottom end because I had
to kneel to my brother instead of having someone of my own to
comfort. Yet I could see that Li was right. In fact this was likely
going to be among the least important changes we'd be making
in our behaviors. I just hoped we still remembered how to be human
when all was said and done!
    Giril and Tim's assistant were already in
the process of clearing out my room when we got back from 'school';
he'd left an assortment of fresh, clean clothes out for me to
choose from, but I explained that humans often wore the same outfit
all day long. He looked uncertain for a moment, and then fell to
his knees. "I'm sorry, Robertherman. I shall not err in this matter
    I smiled. "It's okay, Giril. We both have a
lot to learn about each other. This is just a start. Besides,
sometimes we do change clothes in the middle of the day, so
it's going to take a long time to figure it all out. There's no way
to rush it along." But he didn't get up, and after a long moment
passed I finally worked up enough nerve to reach out and place my
hand atop his head.
    "Oooh!" he responded, still on his knees.
Then he raised his eyes. "More pressure right in the center."
    “Thank you,” I replied.
Sure enough there was a strange little bump right on the very top
of his head, though it was so small that one had feel around for
it. The raised spot gave a little when firmly pressed. I remembered
Rapput’s finger pushing extra-hard there on my own skull and
imitated his action as best I could.
    His eyes rolled and his face brightened.
"Thank you , esteemed master," he replied, standing with a
bow. "And now, if you don't—"
    "Please," I requested. "Tell me something
about yourself, Giril. If you have a moment to spare, that is. It
seems that we may be together for a long time."
    He smiled. "I'm short on moments, as it
happens. Yet that's not a problem because there's so little tell. I
am Giril of the Quenth clan, bottom-most of all Artemu. We're
domestic servants and the lowest sorts of laborers, for this is
what our bloodline best excels at. Yet we're pleased with our lot,
for our role is honorable and our place respected. Thus glory is
shared." His smile widened. "I expect that someday, when Rapput's
Great Plan is completed, we'll be serving at least some
human-masters as well. In this I'm honored to be a pioneer."
    My mouth opened, but I didn't know what to
say. Giril had been born to be a servant and was happy about
    "Oh yes!" Giril continued. "Someday you
Anglics shall rank among the greatest of clans. Even I can see this
already. And we shall be here to serve you and play our own humble
part in the Conquest. The Empire grows and grows." Then he bowed
again and left.
    My head was still spinning when Mr. Li
arrived with Tim already in tow. I started to tell them what'd just
happened, but there wasn't enough time before we met up with
Rapput. "Later, Robert," Li urged, cutting me off. Then he nodded
at Rapput, who seemed to be waiting for something. Both my brother
and I knew what; we each walked to our appointed places and fell to
our knees as the big Artemesian paws landed on our heads.
    "Well done!" Rapput declared with a smile in
his voice, and somehow his dominant approval seemed so complete
that just maybe I did feel a thrill of happiness at the touch. "You're
both doing well, and I'm proud of you," He gave us an extra press
before withdrawing his

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