Elemental: Earth

Elemental: Earth by L.E. Washington Read Free Book Online

Book: Elemental: Earth by L.E. Washington Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.E. Washington
girls who will do whatever you want or need that are not connected to the goons who have tormented us and only want our abilities. Do you really think you can control the situation with this girl when she’s only doing what she’s assigned to do?”
    “Look, I know you’re scarred from Grimm, but you have got to get over that, Bro,” Giles began.
    Reed’s usually bright eyes narrowed, and outside, the sun was suddenly enveloped by a dark cloud that thundered in response. “I told you never to mention her name. Ever.”
    “Giles, just shut up,” Dallas said softly. “It’s alright, Reed. You know he’s just pushing your buttons.”
    “I don’t care what he does. Let him have his little fling and get taken back to the Hatch. It would serve him right,” Reed said.
    “Alright, everyone just calm down,” Gavin rumbled. “We stick together. You all know that. The two of you really need to get over this childishness. It’s been decades, and it’s tiresome.” Reed and Giles wouldn’t look Gavin in the eye, almost like little boys being scolded. They both resented these moments when Gavin made them seem so juvenile and inferior.
    “Giles has a really good point,” Dallas offered, “about controlling the situation.”
    “Yeah, he does,” Gavin agreed. “I hadn’t thought about that. I just can’t seem to get my head around the situation. It’s. . . weird. I’ve never been so. . . uncomfortable. I can’t get a great read on the girls. None of my warning signs are visible with Tessa, and I’m pretty sure she’s the ring leader. The only one I can clearly understand is Dara, yet she seems to be the least connected to this group somehow.”
    “Well, I say let’s meet up with these lovely ladies.” Dallas tried to lighten the mood. “It’s not fair to let Gavin and Giles have all the fun when there is enough to go around.”
    Reed sighed. “I’m game for trying to control the circumstances. I think it will be best for us to try and steer this into the way we want it to go. I also think we’ll be able to get as much information from them as they think they will get from us.”
    “I hear what you’re saying,” Gavin conceded. “I think they have a lot of information on us already, though. I told Tessa I would bring you all to meet up with the girls on the beach a few days ago. Maybe we try today, take some lunch or something. But look, I want all of us to be careful. And Giles, don’t get too involved physically yet. We need to keep ourselves focused and on top of things.”
    “Oh, I was planning on being on top of things,” Giles grinned. “Are you telling me not to use one of my greatest gifts to possibly get information?”
    Sometimes Gavin just wanted to relax, laugh at the cockiness and security of his brother, but he’d already cast himself in this role--caregiver, protector, the stable one. “Yes. I’m telling you-- no sex. That goes for you two, as well.”
    Gavin looked over at Tessa’s tanned and toned body wrapped in the almond-colored sheets. Guess I should practice what I preach, Gavin thought. But then he thought of the last few hours, smiled, sighed, and decided that whatever happened in the upcoming hours or days, she had been worth it, for she had quenched a thirst that Gavin didn’t even realize he had.
    I’ll never hear the end of it now, Gavin thought. At the cantina just a matter of hours before, he’d warned Giles and Dallas again that they were to keep their heads and keep their clothes on. Now look at me. Gavin glanced down as he thought it and noticed the vine tattoos snaking up his powerful arms were a verdant green and seemed to pulse. There even seemed to be a bud or two attached to the vine, and he knew he’d never had that happen before.
    The afternoon was perfect, and the girls glowed with excitement when the four brothers approached. Melissa couldn’t keep her eyes off of Reed, and Gavin felt a surge of mixed emotions. Gavin wanted nothing more than his

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