Elemental Reality

Elemental Reality by Cesya Cuono Read Free Book Online

Book: Elemental Reality by Cesya Cuono Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cesya Cuono
said nervously, “would you like to get some sweets later?”
    “She’d love to,” Lola blurted out.
    I scowled in her direction and turned back at Oli. “Yeah, that’d be fun.” If I go all Elizabeth Smart, Lola’s going to pay.
    “Ace. What time should I pick you up?”
    Dammit. Maybe I should lie and tell him I needed to wash my hair tonight. Of course Lola took the decision out of my hands by saying, “Seven-thirty sharp. Not a minute before or after.”
    “Zip it, Lola,” I whispered. “Sorry, she’s pushy. Seven-thirty is fine.”
    “Ace. I should get going.” He smiled. “I have to run to the store for my mum anyway.”
    “I’ll walk you to the door.”
    “It was great meeting you, Lola,” he said with a tiny wave.
    “You too, hotstuff—I mean, Oliver!”
    I shook my head at her as we walked toward the front door. The small trek was filled with smiles and friendly shoulder bumps. Had thirty minutes of flirtation turned me into Sassy Susan?
    “I had a good time,” he said. “I’ll see you later?”
    He was giving me an out, but I didn’t take it. “I had a good time too. And yes, I’ll see you later.” What was I doing? What about Cayden? Jeez, I was playing the field like a British soccer player in the rain. Dirty and wet. And I liked it.
    “Bonza!” he exclaimed.
    I raised my eyebrows in question.
    He chuckled. “Okay.”
    “Bonza it is,” I said.
    “Cheers, Kitten.”
    My heart thudded at the nickname. “See you later Oli.” What had I gotten myself into? An Aussie, you idiot.
    He breathed out a laugh and headed off the porch and down the driveway. I sighed as I watched him walk away, then shut the door. I returned to the kitchen where Lola grinned like a dork.
    “What?” My tone was defensive.
    “You got asked out on a date,” she said in a singsong voice.
    “But you agreed for me. What the hell was that about?” I tried to scowl, but I was too giddy to pull it off convincingly. I disliked this giddiness, it made my brain not function.
    “Um, he’s only uber-delish. I’m just looking out for you and trying to get you laid.”
    “We just met,” I argued.
    “You need a stress reliever,” she insisted. “Get some.”
    I shook my head and sat on the stool. “So what are you doing home? I thought you had class all day?”
    “Nah. Mr. Tiege has some kind of meeting to go to so he cut class in half. I called Dad to let him know I’d be home tonight for dinner. I told him to bring sushi.”
    “Awesome. Happy birthday, by the way. Your present should be here later today.”
    She sat up straighter and smiled wide. “Is Oliver bringing it back, or is it actually going to be him?”
    I snorted. “Neither. This present is from Dad and me. We think—no, we know you’ll enjoy it.”
    “Tell me now,” she demanded. Lola couldn’t stand surprises. She would unwrap and rewrap Christmas presents if they were left under the tree. We learned long ago to hide all gifts until we wanted her to open them.
    “And ruin it? Yeah right.”
    She pouted, and I ignored her.
    “So what are your plans for tonight?”
    “Going back to Philly—which you already know—getting my Monroe pierced, playing a little pong, and then”—she rolled her eyes—“going to Club Cherry.”
    I laughed. “And Dad knows you’re getting your Monroe pierced?” I said in shock. Thank you Marilyn Monroe for having an attractive mole above your lip that girls want to copy by getting it pierced.
    “Nah, but I figured he wouldn’t yell at me that much considering you have your lip pierced and got a quarter-sleeve when you turned eighteen. I’ll be fine,” she said with a shrug to her shoulders. “All right—” she clapped her hands “—let’s pick out something for your hot date tonight.”
    I groaned. She jumped off her stool, ran around the island, and pulled me toward the stairway.
    “Lola, it’s not a hot date. We’re just going for some sweets.” I huffed. Hopefully he wouldn’t

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