candles just to show me how much he appreciates me. So if short cumming is his only short coming, fuck leaving, I've hit the husband lottery. Especially considering how trifling niggas can be these days.
    I pulled my black leggings up and wrapped my arms around his neck. His 6'4" always looked so far away from my 5'5" stance. He leaned forward and gently kissed me. His lips felt so soft planted against mine. "We better get going before they think we died...or had sex."
    I giggled as I pushed out of the stall and to the mirror to check my make-up. My dark eyeliner was still in tact. My lip gloss, on the other hand, was smeared all over my mouth. I cleaned up the shiny smears from my caramel colored skin with my thumb. I fluffed my curly brown and black fro back out and smoothed my blouse back down over my stomach. Even though I was thick, I've always managed to keep a flat stomach. Just the way Jason likes.
    Chapter 2
    Did That Just Happened?
    "If she's not pleasing you sexually, Kai, then why don't you just leave?" I asked as I held the cell phone between my cheek and shoulder while I flipped through the hundreds of U-verse channels searching for something to watch.
    "You're one to talk," she responded in a low, sarcastic tone.
    Kai and I had been best friends since the ninth grade. We are coming up on our fifteen year frienniversary. I can still remember the very first time I ever saw her. I was sitting next to my boyfriend at the popular table in the green and yellow themed high school cafeteria. This was the popular table because everyone who sat there was either a cheerleader, football player, or on the step team. I sat quietly wearing my dude's green and yellow letterman when Kai walked into the double doors right across from us. The second she crossed the threshold from the outside, she demanded all of my attention. Her physical appearance alone made me question my sexuality. I felt so drawn to her. She had on this fitted white Polo shirt and tight khakis. Her large, unruly mane commanded almost as much attention as the sway of her hips . I wanted so bad to say hi to her. To get to know her.  She paused as she passed me and made unmistakable eye contact. My entire body tingled. My core shuttered. I was instantly turned on from just her light browns. I looked down, quickly breaking away from the sin she almost brought upon me by looking my way.
    We ended up in the same class. She sat next to me, cracked a joke, and we have been laughing together ever since. We tell each other everything. Well, I tell her everything. I always feel like she's holding something back.
    I leaned back on the chaise of the black contemporary styled sectional and propped my feet up on the cool leather surface.
    "So tell me, Erica Thomas: why do you stay? Why don't you find someone that can please you?" Her voice lowered. Her tone became more sensual. I took a deep breath and stared blankly at the pristine white ceiling. As if I could somehow find an answer there.
    "He does please me. Just not sexually," I responded, trying to defend my man.
    The line went completely silent minus a bit a background noise from her tv. She inhaled deeply, like a grade school boy takes that deep breath before he hands the infamous "circle yes or no" note to the girl he's been crushing on since kindergarten.
    Butterflies began to stir in the pit of my stomach. I knew where this conversation was going. I could practically map it out on Google. Whenever Jason's name comes up, she becomes compelled to convince me that maybe I should try girls. As tempting as cumming by someone else's effort sounds, I just can't bring myself to be with a girl. Besides, my father is a pastor. He barely approves of Kai as my friend . He never wanted me to spend the night at her house in high school. I had to sneak around just to hang out with her. To this day, whenever her name comes up he spews out homophobic scriptures as if gay is contagious and he's trying to quarantine

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