Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01]

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Book: Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] by Love's Destiny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Love's Destiny
desperately scanned the ocean’s surface. Soon, she caught sight of Jonathon’s dark hair bobbing in the ocean close to where Andrew was struggling to stay afloat. Long, powerful strokes brought Jonathon to the boy quickly, but Andrew was caught in the rigging that stretched to the ship like an enormous, tangled spider’s web. Jonathon deftly cut the ropes that bound Andrew, but in the process, sliced his own hand. He wrapped his arm about the youth who was weakening fast, and some of the men began to pull them toward the Destiny .
    Shock and exertion overcame Andrew, and he lost consciousness. The icy water had cooled his body to a pale, deathly hue, and when they lifted him onto the deck, Emily was sure she had lost another loved one. Pain wrenched her heart and she felt as if her knees would buckle beneath her. Jonathon half climbed, half fell onto the deck and, weak and gasping, looked worriedly over at the boy.
    Mr. Gates took charge ordering them both be taken below and cared for. He turned compassionately to the stricken girl whose limp hair hung dripping about her terrified face. Gently he wrapped his sodden cloak around her trembling shoulders and led her below.
    • • •
    Gates brought Emily into her cabin and urged her down on the chair.
    “Get changed, child. You will need your strength to tend your brother.”
    Blue-violet eyes searched his for proof of his lie. Finding none, she whispered, “You mean, he is not dead?”
    “Near death, perhaps, but he is strong and healthy and with proper care, he will pull through,” he smiled. “But I shall need your help, Miss Wentworth. You must be strong for him,” he echoed her father’s words, then slipped from the cabin.
    Emily sat dazed trying to comprehend that Andrew was alive. Shakily, she stripped off her wet clothes and, after toweling her hair, changed into a dry dress. The ship still rocked with the storm, but it seemed a little steadier now. The lightning and thunder were quieting their fearful tirade. Her strength reborn with the news of her brother, Emily hurried to his quarters.
    Mr. Gates was there tending him, and Jonathon, still in his soaking breeches with a piece of cloth ripped from his shirt wrapped tightly around his hand to stanch the flow of blood, watched with concern. He did not notice Emily until she came to stand beside him to look down at Andrew. A deathly pallor suffused the boy’s face and his breathing was shallow. Mr. Gates was checking his pulse and layers of blankets lay over his slender frame.
    “His pulse is strengthening. He will need to be kept warm and given nourishment as soon as he is able to take it.” He looked up at Emily. “He will recover with proper care and plenty of rest. But you, young lady, need a good stiff drink.”
    “Brandy is the lady’s preference, Mr. Gates,” Jonathon said as the other man went to the door.
    “You!” Emily turned on him, her pent up fear looking for release. “This is all your fault. If you had not put it into his head that he was a sailor. You gave me your word that he would stay out of danger. Is this what your word is worth, Captain Brentwood?” she asked sweeping her hand toward the bunk.
    “I kept my word, Miss Wentworth. I had ordered him below just as I did you. He had no business being up there, but I was too busy tending my ship to be playing nursemaid to two errant children!” he stormed.
    “I am not a child!” Emily shouted furiously.
    “As I recall, you were also wandering about on deck after I had given you orders to go below.”
    “I will not be ordered about by you, Captain Brentwood! I am not one of your sailors! And I am not a child!”
    “While you are on my ship, Miss Wentworth, you will do as I say.” He towered over her, and then overcome with weariness and weak from loss of blood from his injured hand, Jonathon began to sway dizzily. He reached a hand out to steady himself and, seeing his condition, Emily caught him with her shoulder beneath his

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