The Good Girl
need to buy you a full length mirror?

    This time, I could hear his laughter in the kitchen. It was a lovely reward.
    Wyatt: Chicken or steak?

    Me: Surprise me.
    Wyatt: Oh, I’ll surprise you. I’m full of surprises. Brace yourself.

    He was right. He had been full of surprises so far. So, I ignored the people trying to get my attention on Facebook. Instead, my gaze was locked on that kitchen door. I watched and waited. I ignored all the buzzing notifications on my phone for Wyatt alone held my interest.

    “Ready to go, doll?” That voice, the one that gave me butterflies, came from behind me.

    Swiveling around on the stool, I found him standing there with a huge to go bag. The kid in me wanted to explore the bag; the Stone in me was forced to keep her cool. “Sure. Shall I follow you? I’m not leaving my car behind tonight.”
    He held out his hand. “Keys,” he said simply.

    My vehicle, a gift for graduation, was a Lexus SUV. It was sexy, in its own way. And in the last nearly four years years, it had been driven solely by me. Now there was this guy I barely knew, demanding my keys. For some reason, I handed them over. “Now what?” I murmured while sliding off the stool, and looping my hand through his arm.

    “Willow, I’m taking you home,” he said while staring at me with those eyes that I just wanted to get lost in.
    I shrugged, trying to play it off. Just because he was well aware of my history, it didn’t mean that I had to act the part. “And what of your vehicle?” I asked.
    “It’s a motorcycle. You...and the food...don’t really go with a motorcycle.” He smiled as he lead me through the door, carefully holding it for me, then walked to my vehicle and opened the door for me. Once I was seated, he grabbed the seat belt and hooked it over my lap.
    “I could do that,” I said, shivering just a little from his nearness.

    With a laugh, he responded, “Yes, but if you did it would I be able to do this?” Instantly, his hand was on my neck, pulling me closer, and his lips were on mine. This kiss was altogether different from the one we had shared in the bathroom. This one was tender, affectionate, and so gentle, with a hint of intensity aching to be unleashed. I was in so much trouble.

Within ten minutes, we were parked in front of the garage that I had left just that afternoon. Suddenly it seemed as foreign to me as the guy driving my vehicle. What was I doing? Maybe I should have taken him up on those shots. While I worried and fretted, he confidently exited the driver’s side, grabbed the bag from the back seat, and walked over to open my door for me. If I had any doubts that he was suitable to come meet the parents, they were put to rest in that moment. He was so...gallant, in a way that far too many men just weren’t anymore. Instead of seeming awkward, he seemed to know just what to do, even if in all my run-ins with him at college, he had never been before.
    After leading me up the steps, he paused in front of the door and pulled out his keys to let us in. Even then, he turned on the light and encouraged me to enter first. “So, I’m not sure about you, but I’m starving!” He exclaimed. “I know it’s late, but humor me?”

    I nodded. I had to. It was impossible at the moment for me to speak. Wyatt was walking around the room, setting up dinner at his island in the kitchen. It seemed awfully dark. “Want me to hit the lights?” I asked as I walked toward the switches on the wall with my hand outstretched.
    “Nah, completely unnecessary ,” he replied with a wink. He ducked down below the counter and rummaged around in the cupboards under the island. When he popped back up, he had a plate of white pillar candles of varying heights and sizes in his hands. “Voila,” he said quietly as he carefully lit the candles with one of those long lighters.
    Offering a sardonic look, I said, “Me thinks you may have done this once or twice before.” Then I crossed my arms over my

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