Emma in Love

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Book: Emma in Love by Emma Tennant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Tennant
though in the politest possible way.
    â€œI trust we shall all meet at Randalls,” said Emma; and, as this came after a description almost vulgar in its fulsomeness, from Mr. Churchill, of the glories of Donwell Abbey, she could think well to herself that she had defended Jane Fairfax, and had not succumbed to the allure of the two young men.
    Jane shall come to dinner. How right Mr. Knightley was to decry my wish to invite Mrs. Weston on the same evening, thought Emma; for the party rose once more in her mind, and the spectre of Jane, surrounded by hideous apparitions from a marriage which could never now take place, made her shudder at her thoughtless and impulsive intent. Of course Jane has gone out walking: wretched creature, she came from her obligations as governess on one of the scarce hours she has to herself, with the express intention of visiting her aunt and her aunt’s mother. Then – learning Mr. Churchill was in the vicinity – dreading coming across him – and even more painful to her, the brother of the woman Mr. Churchill found easy, for reason of fifty thousand pounds, tomarry – no, it is too horrible! But it is saved. I shall not invite Mr. Churchill to Donwell Abbey, and he may make of it what he likes!
    Mr. Perry, who had been attempting to disengage himself from the group for some minutes announced in the firm tones of a busy medical man that he was on his way to visit the Bates household: he must be excused, but time this morning was short. “There is old John Abdy to see to,” said Mr. Perry. “He will not last out the summer. His son John Abdy has applied several times to the parish council for relief – his sister, widowed, wishes to return to the family, but there is not money enough to make the barn habitable. She could care for her father, if she brought her children and lived there – but it is not to be.”
    â€œMrs. Knightley will wave her magic wand, I have no doubt,” said Frank Churchill, with a smile which Emma found odious in its desire to ingratiate. “Why, if I am not mistaken, old Abdy was twenty-seven years clerk to the parish; he worked for Mr. Woodhouse. The largesse of Mr. Knightley can surely be counted on here!”
    â€œMrs. Knightley, please give my most sincere regards to your husband,” said Mr. Perry, who appeared as genuinely offended by Mr. Churchill’s intrusion into the matter as did Emma. “You tell me old Mrs. Bates has suffered a breakage of her spectacles. As I call on her now in any case, you may rest easy in the knowledgethat I shall take them with me to the young lady who works in my dispensary: she is remarkably nimble with her fingers!”
    â€œBut I insist, my dear Mrs. Knightley!” said Frank, stepping forward as if he had seen nothing of the effect caused by his most recent piece of impertinence. “I have mended old Mrs. Bates’s spectacles before. Pray permit me to do so again.” And so saying – without, as Emma noted with a glow of indignation, a thought for the unsuitability of his visit to the aunt of the young woman whose life and prospects he had so unthinkingly ruined – Frank Churchill stepped into the house that was but a few steps down the street from them, and mounted the stairs.
    Without waiting – for she was left alone in the company of Captain Brocklehurst, Mr. Perry having scuttled after Frank, to prevent his causing too unpleasant a jolt to Miss Bates and her mother – Emma mounted into her chaise, took the reins and departed for home.
    She did not look back, as the length of the street was gone down; Harriet Martin came out of Ford’s, a bolt of cloth in her hand, and she received a wave and a greeting, no more. Emma was anxious to return to the Abbey; she wished for the clarity of vision of Mr. Knightley, after undergoing the slick charm of Frank Churchill; but she could not help reflecting, as she went,that Captain Brocklehurst

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